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quitting a PhD to apply for another one...

dear old, wise man
thanks a lot for wasting a little bit of your time with a young and impulsive guy!
the point, apart from the topic that becomes often quite annoying, is that there are also some entrance examinations (that, by contract, can be done after the enrollement) that there's no chance to pass. also, I've received some quite interesting other propositions from worldwide.
so...things getting tougher than with just one PhD lol!!
I love university life, research is just all I want for my carrier, but all these things occurring together are making me think...a lot.

maybe I'm still looking for my karma-PhD?

Cheers, machv83

quitting a PhD to apply for another one...

thanks for your reply.
apart from the chance to get bored on every argument, it can be done, indeed, right?
I mean, no international law against it...
I'm asking because I have a few interesting proposal much closer to my topic...


quitting a PhD to apply for another one...

Hi there,
I'm brand new to this forum and I've found it really interesting.
I've started a PhD 2 months ago, but the topic is becoming less interesting than I though.
In case I want to quit it, can I apply for a new one?perhaps same university but different department?

thanks and cheers!
