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Lost and Confused.


I am in my second year (not yet upgraded!)

I am so lost in my research (the more I read, the more I discover, and the more I get confused). I should be working out my research design, but I have not even grasped the model I want to apply as it is so confusing and scholars are themselves confused! :(


Hello everyone,
I need to know if I am being a bit paranoid regarding the attitude of some academics at my institution. Basically, they have decided to make the upgrade process harder to ensure that they can get rid of those they think won't make it at an early stage.This is to get the power away from supervisors' over the fate of their Phd candidate as some are too optimistic about their potentials and are protective of them. They supposedly believe that it is better because it will ensure that those who won't make it are not given false impressions and don't waste their and others' time. I felt it was aimed at me directly as this was said while staring at me during the whole speech! Plus, this will be implemented when it will be my time to upgrade.
Also, I have long been under the impression that said persons do not believe in my capabilities and believe I have been overestimated by my supervisor. This is confirming my fears!I feel like they wanted someone else instead of me to get the funding. Are they trying to warn me? Get rid of me? I am so upset and angry!

Your first conference

Hello everyone,

please relate to us newbies what was your first conference like, especially how it was received, how you felt it helped you...Also any advice to those who lack confidence and worry too much about what others think. THANKS.

flawed understanding of my topic

hello all,

I just discovered TODAY(!) that I had a totally flawed understanding of a topic I am investigating for my Master thesis. This means that my hypotheses don't make sense, and thus, I need to get rid of them... This is stressing me out as it is too late to change topic, and I do not know what else to research in this field. I also do not want to start reading on a whole new topic now! The more I read about this area, the more backwards steps I take (I always find something that contradicts my hypotheses, make them sound irrelevant and even questions the whole purpose of my research!)


it is not just a case of the hypotheses being wrong, it is also a case of them being irrelevant and inappropriate because I misunderstood the nature of a type of networking in a particular country. Basically, I thought it was a patron-client relationship, when in fact, it is a relationship based on equality/humanity/friendship etc..... This means that my initial hypotheses about its negative political impact mean nothing (they do not hold) and I need to concentrate on something else. However, I have no idea what else to do with this topic!!!! FRUSTRATING!

where to live?

Hello all,
I would like to know if it would be better for me to live in central London (in a postgrad hall) or closer to my university that is about 60 mins away from London by train... In the first instance: I would have easier access to central London unis that specialise in my subject (they hold conferences, lectures, events etc related to my area of expertise). I will also be taking a relevant part-time language course in one of those universities; language that my university does not offer (and I could also study it for free if I apply early!)... So all in all, it would be best for me to live in central London as I would have to walk to the specialist libraries, rather than commute. If I live on campus at the university where I will be doing the Mphil/Phd, I would not have access to such resources. Yet, accommodation would be cheaper, and I would not have to worry about train fares, which are quite expensive (between £11 and £15 pounds for a day return ticket!).... What would be best? I would not be able to commute everyday to my uni if I decide to stay in London, but all the other research students in my department live in postgrad halls on campus, although we are NOT doing a science subject that would require working in a lab....

Thanks for the help!!!!

I think my supervisor is disappointed in me

Good afternoon all,

I have the impression that my supervisor may be feeling let down by me. I was supposed to meet him about two weeks ago, and then again yesterday, but since I put my dissertation on hold to concentrate on other things, I did not have anything new to discuss with him, so cancelled both meetings. I sensed his disappointment in his email, and I have been feeling guilty ever since.

What can I do now to prevent him from considering me as being a student that is not very serious in her work? I have to help my siblings with their assignments, work in two places and could not find time for my research.
Please suggest a plan of action.


I feel like I don't deserve it

Hello all,

So I got accepted onto a phd programme and managed to get some departmental funding with it.It is the same institution I have been studying at since my B.A. Anyhow, I was chosen as the first nominee for research council funding, and failing that, I was told I would get funding from the department. I did not secure the first type of funding. To be honest, I kind of expected it. I think the only reason why I was selected as the preferred candidate was because I have been here for so many years, got good grades and therefore, the department thinks I am a good student and will do well. I am still happy I got a full scholarship.

But I feel over-estimated. Firstly, I wrote my Phd application in two weeks (I think) and to be honest, I am not sure what it is going to be about and how I am going to do it. I received feedback from a very supportive academic (Who will also be my supervisor) and I made some amendments following his recommendations. Now, I am really confused. I also have no clue how to use the method I was suggested to utilize. I am so lost about the whole research! I feel like he may have thought I would get it, but I don't! He has been amazing and really believed in me, but maybe he believed in me a bit too much? I can already see "resubmit" as my viva outcome, or "major modifications to be made"!!!! To make matters worse, the person selecting who will get accepted and subsequently get funding, knows me and was happy that I would continue studying here. Most of the department knows me, and if they don't, well my grades and history here could respectively show my academic potential and loyalty to the institution (I do love my university!).

I feel like if I had applied elsewhere (this was my only application), I would not have had so much support, and would not even have been considered for the phd itself, let alone funding. The whole form was written so badly and was so unconvincing! I know myself it was unclear, hence why I did not get research council scholarship. I am now scared of starting the whole programme. I am not even sure what I will be doing and don't know how to approach it with my future supervisors. I feel like my knowledge is 0.01% about the area I want to investigate - having not taken modules in it previously. I chose it because I want to pursue in this field, but maybe it is not wise?


how can I prepare?


how can I prepare for my future role as a teaching assistant? I just received confirmation of my scholarship and it includes doing a certain amount of teaching per week. So, what resources exist? What advice would you give?

from nomination to selection

Quote From mikew:
Well done for getting as far as you have!!! I have been through a very similar process myself. It is really promising but at least from my experience it does not guarantee you a place as funding seems to be very short at the moment. It does mean that you have a very good chance though so now you just need to be very well prepared for the interview. Good luck!

Thank you very much!! Some DTC are only composed of 1 university, but mine has four and all the unis offer my pathway, so there is some serious competition!!!!

I really hope I have a good chance though! :)

Is there an interview? I was not told about it.

from nomination to selection

Quote From renegadeofjunk:
Congratulations on getting this far! I am in a similar situation, and as far as I understood it nominations are only made for the amount of funded places available (ie in my department, 4 nominations were made as they had 4 funded places available); however I am none-the-wiser as to whether being nominated means you're almost guaranteed funding or not (I wish someone would tell me that!) Have you contacted the school to ask them to clarify? Are you in the same position as me, ie waiting for a confirmation letter?

Yes, I am in the same position, but I think I might have to wait until the end of May for the outcome of my application. There are quite a few nominated students, so I am not sure about my chances of getting the funding. Good luck with your application. :)

is this a sign that I should not seek help?

Hello everyone,

at the risk of sounding overtly sensitive, I'd like to share the fact that I am rather upset about the fact that my current supervisor has changed her attitude and is being much less enthusiastic about me. She helped me so much for drafting my phd proposal because she believed I had a lot of potential. But now that it is all sorted out, she is becoming very distant towards me. The last time I contacted her was for some technical help (I wanted to apply a particular method, but did not manage to do it properly), she said she was busy and will get back to me. However, the last message she sent me was so unrelated to my query that I am trying to wonder if she does not want to help? Maybe she wants me to find out by myself? I know she knows how to do it as it is her specialty, but why would she not help?
After all the support, she is changing into one of those 'ghost' supervisors (never there for their students).
What can I do?

Should I interpret her changing behaviour as 'do not ask for help, get on with it by yourself'? Why though? She has been really helpful before. Maybe she has started to dislike me? Maybe I exasperate her? I have to reckon that I change my mind constantly and am never sure of myself. Maybe that is annoying her?

Urghhh, please help me understand this!!!!

from nomination to selection

Hello everyone,

I have been selected as the first nominee by my future department for research council scholarship. I How likely am I to get it if I was selected as first nominee? Is it generally pretty much guaranteed or am I likely to be refused funding? The DTC is composed of 4 unis and many more applicants than fundings available have been selected.
I think only my department might have found my research interesting, so not hoping for much from external decision-makers. :(

my phd topic might no longer be relevant

Hello all,

I have been accepted onto a phd program for september 2013. However, I am not sure about the validity/usefulness of my topic, given the fact that my original argument is gradually being destroyed in the light of new evidence. I feel so disheartened and don't know what to do. Am I allowed to change topics? I wrote my topic a few months ago about a not-so-distant event, so I should have expected this.
