Overview of mak_2011

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Latex+Jabref doubt

Hi Cindrella,

I cannot recall all the styles but I am guessing is it possible you are using a Bibliography style which follows alphabetic ordering? (Just guessing). Try changing the style, maybe it will help.


First Conference

Hi there,

I think you just need to have fun there and relax. Network with a lot of people . Make a list of sessions that you would definitely won't want to miss. And make a plan to attend them. Try to stay focused in the sessions and ask good questions/discuss with the presenters. Oh and please remember to print business cards before you go. I found that this was the best way to keep in touch. And also go out with lot of different groups for lunch/dinner. This way you get to know the researchers personally. You never know when you might need them (e.g. for some advice or as external examiners because it can get so hard to find/entice examiners at time as most famous people tend to be busy)


Hoping to pick a better man (or womans) brain!

Hi there,

Well I don't have a personal experience but I do have a cousin who has gone through the same situation. She was doing the PhD (in Biochemistry) but then had kids (twins) and it completely got her off track. She is now trying to get back on track and hopes to finish up by May next year but she was telling me it has taken her a very long time (as she ended up going for the maximum duration for allowed PhD and then due to the problems, she was allowed an extension). But to be honest, PhD is a personal thing and you need to stay focused the entire (minimum of 3+) years if you want to complete it on time. If you simply lose focus during it and take a long long break even if it is officially allowed (probably), it can tend to get really difficult. *as far as I can see from my cousin's case at the very least*

Good luck in the planning!


Aiming to finish off by 31st December! Is there anyone else?

Quote From cindrella:

Hi all, I did not get much work done since this morning :-( I am feeling extremely guilty about that. I am back to my office after dinner now I am going to work for the next few hours - aiming to finish of the analysis of the experimental work I did few days ago. I will make sure I complete it by tonight and post back to say that I have done it!

Hi cindrella,

IMHO if you push yourself too much, you might end up burning out. PhD is like a marathon so you don't want to lose all your energy in the short sprint. So, please do keep taking breaks. If one day you cannot achieve much, if possible, make that day a complete day off and don't be guilty. Next day, you will be back to your task and may even cover up for two days. Otherwise your productivity might go down over time.


Apologies and an issue: does anyone else feel like they're not good enough for their PhD and not doing it justice?

Hi Natassia,

Listen, I think you are doing great. Trust me, there will be a lot of ups and downs in this entire process. So, please don't lose your sanity and also don't be hard on yourself. As long as you keep going through all the little bumps in the road to the ultimate goal (PhD!), all these little problems will not matter at the end. If you made it this far, I am sure you will be soon writing up the thesis and getting ready for the viva and so on . .. Take one day at a time and good luck!;-)


doing major corrections in 2 months?!


Well don't worry. Major or minor corrections appears to be different between different universities. In my case, they told me my corrections were major but our University does not have a "major" field and it is only minor or re-submission (fail). As such, I had to literally re-write a lot of the thesis. (It seems almost double). I think you can do it. Don't worry. I have done the changes in less than 2 months. But the other problem is that I do come close to a breakdown a lot of times. It is very hard to keep focused. So, please do keep taking breaks.

Good luck with everything,


What happens next?

Hi everyone,

I have the same problem. After my minor corrections, my internal told me to submit only the final version (even though at the time of viva, she was saying I could come to her) and won't discuss the changes while I made them. I am almost done now and hope to submit them in the coming week after getting final approval from the supervisor. The internal insists that I work with my supervisor for the changes but my supervisor says he is now out of the game and is upto the internal. It is really quite confusing actually.

Well, I hope you and everyone who is in this stage, the best of luck. It is definitely worse than my pre-viva stage.

Warm regards

What happens next?


I am in the same situation. I have been given minor but was told it was sort of major (viva was in July). Now, again the rules at my University are unclear. So, exactly what happens when i submit my corrections? Would I get feedback on them? What happens if the examiner is unhappy with them? :-s Any ideas?
