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Hair highlights! Color?

Ah ULUG! Have mercy! I see what men want! Ok, you look for interesting women but what s the thing that will attract you to a specific one to wanna get to know her better?

Hair highlights! Color?

So you dont care if your nice guy fantasises another woman!? You are happy with the fact that he will marry YOU and will be with you forever (even desiring other women).

Hair highlights! Color?

The examples you are referring to H belong to another century! You see Hollywood actresses, celebs etc. Compare how many they are blond to the brunnettes.

Hair highlights! Color?

Of course not! The discussions they have are: Yesterday I f.... a blond with boobs like that etc.

Hair highlights! Color?

If you have brown hair then you should compensate for it by wearing sexy skirts, tight tops etc..

H, dont you see that all famous sex symbols are sticky?

Hair highlights! Color?

You may have ONE guy that desires you but this is not the reason to mislead people by saying that men dont PREFER (if they can have the choice) skinny blonds!

Hair highlights! Color?

I am surprised with you girls of the forum that you have no idea what men want! maybe the PhD has left you behind!

Hair highlights! Color?

Come on guys! Tell us: what kind of women do you like?

Hair highlights! Color?

Everyone is attracted by blonds! Furthermore, if your eyes are darker than your hair, they look sexier!

Hair highlights! Color?

Come on guys! Give your honest opinion! What hair color is more attractive to you?

Hair highlights! Color?

Athina: Dont listen to the guys here! None male likes sophisticated women. They all want blonds! So I suggest blond highlights! With dark brown/red noone will notice you! Blond attracts the attention immediately!

Hair highlights! Color?

Hi athina! I would suggest blond. Blond always looks good on brown hair. Now, if you want a more professional advice, I would suggest that you find a gay hairdresser! They are great!

Any good book?

Alternatively: The murderer next door: why the mind is designed to kill. By Buss. Absolutely amazing! Evolutionary theory explaining human violence!

Teaching dressing code

Hi girls! Just a quick question: What do you usually wear when you teach?

Disappointing meeting with supervisor

I havent had that yet! But I suppose I would feel worse if an experiment didnt work or something like that...