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When do/did you know about the date of the viva?

In our university the viva must be held within two months of submission unless there are extenuating circumstances (eg. the preferred external examiner isn't available until three months after submission) Often the date is roughly agreed before the thesis is finally submitted officially.

things getting in the way

How I deal with this is by always working from home/blocking out at least one weekday per week, preferably two. I also commute a long distance so this is the only way i stay sane and get proper work done. If there's a meeting on a day I don't come in I simply tell them I'm not on campus that day. If I'm important enough to what's happening they'll reschedule for another day. If not, I get the minutes and follow up on my next day in.

It means a week or two re-organising classes and regular meetings at the start of term but from then on it works great. Also, since I usually have two days at home I can cut that down to only one for a week or two if there's exceptional stuff going on.

viva worry

No examiner would say that if they didn't intend to pass the person. Secondly, your viva is a discussion of the thesis, not the final word. Very often people are given minor or major corrections or sometimes even other work has been published which now has to be taken into account in the thesis. I hope you've made the most of the time to get your own health back on track and are taking good care of yourself.

random question...

It often comes to a choice: relationship person or the 'something else' (be it career etc). Especially if they can't support you in the 'something else' that you want to do. For me I had my (now husband)'s support in wherever I wanted to go for work but I only looked at places that would suit for both of us. Essentially I made the decision in the relationship direction. My best friend however made the opposite decision and is very happy now too, though it was difficult at the time.

Keeping track of paper work

Personally I use a mixture of lots of methods. I have a logbook for meetings with my supervisor. I do most of my own explorative work on sheets of paper which I then collect together into little plastic envelopes (not sure what they're called but they're like two plastic a4 sheets joined together on two seams). These then get collected into files in the filling cabinet or box files or even just stacks on my desk depending on how far progressed they are. Before they get filed I write a mini report on anything interesting in them and this gets typed up with LaTeX and saved and backed up! Usually they are categorised pretty easily and put together by category with a cover sheet. Hope this helps!

I just want to cry

I agree with the others. Sending your supervisor a quick email so they know the story is always good. I find it's better to hand in the chapter anyway (or the best draft you can) as personally I find extensions can make the stress and pressure hang around until the next deadline. If you give your supervisor what you have and then ask for an extension to revise/finish/perfect it I find this leads to the best situation, for me.


I've made a big decision - am I doing the right thing?


there are so many positive things in your post, so many things for you to feel good about. Delighted you have a really good idea for a research project. Are you essentially trying to decide between working hard on the application for your favourite uni or giving up on it entirely and going somewhere else, so that you can spend more time working on your MSc. ? If so, perhaps there is a middle ground. Could you allow yourself to spend say 1 day or even less putting together the application? At least if you apply you have a chance of getting what you want. It seems that they are quite positive about you researching there. This is almost exactly how I ended up where I am now! I turned out I was able to revise and support my application later on in the process but I had to have it submitted on the correct date.

I don't mean to throw a spanner in the works. Getting your MSc is the most important thing for now. Also, having made a hard decision sometimes we're best off sticking with it. Hope this isn't too unhelpful!

4th year blues

It is so wonderful to read of someone who was in the situation I am in (regards supervisor, motivation, lack of critique etc) and see how things have changed for them and they are doing so great. Well done and thanks for sharing so I know it's possible to get places too! Thanks all for the useful ideas too, I'm sure you'll be glad to know they're helping more than one person.

Now back to those tomatoes (my little break-over alarm went off - Love that!)


I've found it really hard to keep working and concentrating this evening so I've joined the tomato parade. It's great as a form of chair glue but I usually try to work in 40min stints so have to see how the shorter time works. so far so good!

Remebering what you've read

Apple: you are a star! Thanks! It can be especially hard finding one that works well with Bibtex. My article-search software will give me the references in bibtex format but there was always still the problem of organising and keeping notes. Have been looking for new system for ages. Thanks.

Entry for PhD

All of the other replies have been brilliant . You might also want to talk with your MSc Supervisor to see if they would suggest you do a PhD and whether they would be willing to recommend you, particularly if you intend to stay in the same field. They may even know of a suitable collaborator or university.

Remebering what you've read

Does anyone know of a package that does all these things for linux/unix based computers? My uni supports EndNote and I think it's brilliant but I don't have a Mac or Windows machine. I have something that works through a browser but it doesn't keep track of where pdfs are on my machine or allow long notes on the contents.

Advice please

It's always hard to let go of something. Clean cut is always the best though. It'll be hard but at least you know you gave it a chance and it wasn't going to go anywhere. Take it easy for a little while. Do things you enjoy :) Which can include chocolate!

Advice please

I would just say that you gave it a second chance and it isn't working out. You tried and you're sorry for any confusion or messing around. But it's the end. Actually he might take that slightly better than the first time in term of 'letting' it go as he's already had his second chance.

Best of luck.

P.S. there's always the 'off-topic' option for posting these things.

Guilty Pleasures?

Reading (entire) novels and playing puzzle games are some of my worst or getting back into bed after showering&drying my hair :$ oh and looking up my imaginary future home online!