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Struggling With Essay Structure: Please Help!

Hello everyone,

I was wondering whether anyone (who is rather good at writing essays) can help.

I am analysing a particular public policy through assessing its implementation in two particular contexts. I have all my research and I even have all my arguments typed up and referenced. However, I am failing to piece together the arguments in a way that makes sense and have therefore hit a very depressing stumbling block (just days before the essay is due).

Have any of you had this experience before? Do you know if there are any good tutors out there who specialise in helping with essay structure? Are you yourself willing to lend me 20 minutes of your time to chat with me?!

I've tried to turn to Google, but all I find are 'essay writing service' websites plaguing the search pages!

Any advice/help would be very much appreciated!!

Sincerely, a very stressed out postgrad.