Overview of niekyvanveggel

Recent Posts

Living arrangements

I'm 25, just in my 1st year of PhD. I live on a stipend paid by the college as part of a GTA scheme. I share an apartment with another guy who used to work at my college. I'm probably going to stay here for the next three years, because I litterally live 3 mins walking distance from my lab and office, which comes in quite handy during night-time measurements

I passed!!!


Access to journal

Hi all,

Does anybody have access to the following article? I can't seem to be able to locate it.

Chao, S. C., Young, D. G. and Oberg, C. J. (2000) 'Screening for inhibitory activity of essential oils on selected bacteria, fungi and viruses', Journal of Essential Oil Research, 12(5), 639-649.

Thanks in advance!


Hi guys,

Just wanted to introduce myself. Have been lurking around for a while now, since I started my MSc. However, Since I am a PhD student now I might as well become actively involved :-)

I did my bachelors degree in agriculture and biotechnology, with a major in animal health management. I just finished my MSc in animal biology and welfare and started a PhD in animal science - ruminant nutrition. So, I guess I'm an animal feed science geek :-)

Any other animal science people on this forum?



First publication

Just a quick update... the abstract has been published, dissetation is now divided into two publications, and I have been accepted for a graduate teaching assistantship! Life is good :)

First publication

I had a solid 65% of my PgDip... no distinction, but a nice merit with which I am happy. I got some good results from lecturers I really cared about, which was more important to me than the overall result...

Quote From bennyhill:

======= Date Modified 03 May 2010 20:37:18 =======
Nice one, well done!
What was your overall percentage for your PgDip?

First publication

After successfully obtaining my PgDip I have now started my dissertation research and have been working on it for 2 weeks. To my surprise I have been made second author for an abstract publication at a huge conference in my field of study. Thing just seem to be getting better by the day, since I was told last week that my dissertation will also be published as an article in one of the leading journals in my field of study. Yay!

How are the other MSc/MA/LLM/MRes/MPhil students doing so far?