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I didn't get my scholarship :(

PinkNeuron, I think there is hardly anybody on this forum who never doubts themselves about their elegibility and I happily go first and still I got funding and I think it was just for the stupid reason that the others were even worse. BUT I am not impling that you are not good enough - you have the determination and I think this is the biggest part but that the competition varies and an open one with different disciplines is certainly hard as subjects might be favoured e.g. climate change will pull more then ??? music...
Keep up the good spirit as I am relying on you to give me loads of tips on child care and organising kids and PhD over the next years!

Last on to post on this thread wins

No chance for you! I was winning for hours and now I am determined to get the final one

Last on to post on this thread wins

hey, did I win now??? Wow, that was easy now

Last on to post on this thread wins

Hey, live has changed, I won the tread!!!

Last on to post on this thread wins

see told you... I think this is what is called English humor - it is not funny but its really good

Pregnancy vs PhD - advance preparation!

Hold your fingers crossed please - we found somebody who wants to move in Monday so 1) our landlady has to like them 2) I have to convince the other landlord to let us move in now (it is empty) 3) get the money to pay deposit and rent for the new place before I get the money back from the old place 4) remember my PIN to do so... can I blame it on the pregnancy hormons that I forget everything? Experienced mothers?
Thanks again for all your support - hopefully everything will be sorted after today and then we just move within two days, no problem for me I am not allowed to carry anything

Pregnancy vs PhD - advance preparation!

Thanks, I think it must be really the bump related hormons so it is basically not my fault
Cheers for the tip with the student union I try to do this immediatelly as we have opening days. I think the house needs to be polished for some time!

Pregnancy vs PhD - advance preparation!

Thank you for all your sympathy! I feel really bad about it but I went to my landlady yesterday and started sobbing (and looking really pregnant). Of course I did not have a tissue and it worked at least a little bit as she now agreed that we can find somebody to take over our contract something she strictly refused before! I am so grateful! It is not much as we now have to find somebody but I hope with all the undergraduates etc coming we have a chance. At least there is some light on the horizon. Apart from this we are still down on one income during maternity pay so if anybody knows the numbers for next weeks lottery, much appreciated Anyway I feel much more optimistic as we can at least do something to change the housing situation but deep insight I feel bad for my choise of wappons it's so not me

Pregnancy vs PhD - advance preparation!

My husband is moving while I am using the bed in place A, deliver in the van on the way and the midwife joins us for drinks at place B??? And no, our landlady is not reasonable with it and even if there was not the money issue she would not extend our contract because I am not doing the weeding every week. But there is no way we can pay rent at two places - and our families live 1) over the channel 2) in a tiny place at the complete other end of the country.
Sorry, for having a long complain but at the moment I don't know what to do.

Pregnancy vs PhD - advance preparation!

I am now really on the side as they told me I won't get anything as I am neither unemployed nor employed and we do not get hardship found as my husbands works full-time. We do get tax-credits but it is basically nothing as my current student ship is taken into account so we have a reasonable income but they do not get the point that I will not get it when I am on maternity leave. Basically we now need to move quickly as there is no way we can afford the house but as we have a Assured Shorthold contract we cannot hand in our notice and having my due date on the day of the end of the contract as well as not being able at all to afford it (and we would like to save some money now) does not count as a "reasonable cause". What do these people think?

Crying hair pulling smily?

Just in case we need it at one point, can someone design it?

can anybody suggest a dutch dictionary?

I meant DUDEN... oh well, see in the other thread I really need a brain cell from someone!!!!

Last on to post on this thread wins

I give up! Nothing works has somebody a spare brain cell I can use? Just relised I used a figure three times less the magnitude in my talk...

Anybody else pregnant??!!

I am! Due in December as well but unfortunatelly in my first year - perhaps if I spead up a bit I manage to hand in after one year (where is this face with the pscho laughter???)

publication problems regarding 1st authorship

Hi Sarah, it sounds really enoying. I had the same dicussion with my supervisor as I am publishing a paper about something I have done before I started my PhD. He wanted to go on it and I strictly refuse as he has done nothing - not even given money. In this context I found some information: 1st author has done the majority of work including the writing, anybody else must have contributed three aspects e.g. data, editing, funding. Otherwise they just go in the acknowledgments. Do you have somebody in the department to speak to? Not that I doubt what you say but you must be very confident to say: It is only my work. Talk to a postdoc, other lecturer, your tutor how they see the situation. Ask your supervisor about the order of names. If he says other guy first ask for a written statement "why". I think it is important to stand up for yourself.
I hope you are succesful!