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Dilemma over interview presentation

I have to prepare an outline for an online tutorial for an OU interview next week but I'm in a dilemma on what to do it on. I have two choices. One is on Beowulf and stuff about the Old English language and themes such as the role of women, so fairly straightforward language, structure and literary criticism. The other is about art and war and the theme of witness. I think the second one is more interesting but I will be using images of death and also want to include a discussion of the Abu Ghraib images. I'm wondering whether this might be too controversial - although I taught it to first year art history students. Should I stick to the safe option or go for the more controversial one which has more potential?

I can't believe it- am so embarrassed!

For anyone that watches it, this sounds just like a scene from an episode of Miranda!!

Its Chriiiiiiistmaaaaaas

My and my partner's family are 200 miles away so we have factored in a few days over Xmas to see everybody - Christmas Day we will all be together which kills two birds with one stone (three if you include the turkey!).
But I'm looking forward to having some time when I have no other commitments apart from PhD work so I really have to make the most of it and write, write, write!

Pain: Anyone else ever experienced anything like this?

I'm hoping that Lynn is not still in pain three years after she posted this!!

Brunel or Bath?

Bath is a wonderful place. The university is a bit 60s tower block but the city is amazing with loads to do and great history.

Online tutorial for interview

For my Open University interview I've just found out that I have to write an outline for an online tutorial in an arts discipline which gives students two hours for the task. I can use embedded resources and links to outside resources.
I've done face to face tutorials before but I've no idea how to go about doing an online tutorial. I don't know if it would be interactive or what.
Has anybody any experience either as student or teacher and could give me some tips on how to get started.

Where did the Gracebaby thread go?

I thought she was going to offer me a job!

Another job rejection

Thanks for the replies. I know it's something we all go through. But these aren't even academic jobs - any one of them I could have gone for without having done a PhD. It's other training, volunteer work and job experience which is relevant and getting me the interviews I think. I know I've no chance of getting an academic job at the moment until I've completed my PhD but I need a job and I'd like to be able to get a reasonably paid one in the area I am qualified to work in already.

Another job rejection

======= Date Modified 02 Dec 2010 15:44:07 =======
I'm feeling so depressed at the moment and can't even think about doing any PhD work. I've had five job interviews in the past few months and five rejections ....even though I was 'very good' at interview and at the last one they thought I was 'brilliant' and did a fantastic presentation.
There is always someone better who gets the job. I can't face any more rejection and if I don't get work by January I will be in serious trouble financially.
Yes, I have an Open University interview and I am going to try my hardest to make them see I am the right person for the job but it's only one day a week. It will be better than nothing but I'm just getting so demoralised about the whole job application process.
Anyone been through the same (everybody probably!) and can give me a pep talk?

Open University Teaching:

Finally, I've got an interview for teaching with the Open University. Has anybody had any experience of these sort of interviews? Greygeek said it was tough.

Anyone taking longer than three years?

I'm just about to go into my fifth year. I was funded for three but went part time for the last six months so effectively the funding carried on pro rata to cover a total of three and a half years. Since that finished in May I have found it very difficult to work on my thesis because I have had to work to earn money. I don't want it to carry on too much longer so am aiming to sort out my work/PhD balance (no life in there!) by January (fingers crossed I will get one of the part-time well paid jobs I'm after). This means I could then aim to submit by the end of the year or sooner if possible. That would then be five years in total. All my colleagues who have recently got their PhDs took four years to finish. We are all in humanities and it seems that this is fairly standard.

Will it ever be finished?!

Again, no advice, but I'm another one in the same position. So hopefully the fact that you are not alone will make you feel better!

Stressing for the next 40 minutes

I was in the same situation a while ago. Don't panic! When I went back the stick wasn't there, but I reasoned that none of the students would take it from the computer as they probably would not notice it. I also reasoned that any member of staff would hand it in as they would be aware that it could have very important stuff on it. Or if no-one had noticed it would still be there. All good outcomes.
Mine had been handed in but it took me a while to find the right place, eventually I checked with security and the woman there said she thought there was something similar to what I was describing in her desk. I held my breath for a few minutes but was so relieved when it turned up there.
I'm sure you will get it back.

Today has not been a waste because....

I think I will join this thread as I feel like I keep wasting time. I'm sleeping so much at the moment and even if I set my alarm I go back to sleep and have not been getting up till lunchtime. Then I have to check e-mails etc and I'm not starting work till about 3, then I'm doing other things rather than my PhD. I have a chapter I need to send to my supervisor at the end of the week but I also have loads of job applications to do.
So far I think today has been a waste but I'll post later and see if I can't be more positive about what I have done.

job advice (cv)

Quote From Chuff:

Best of luck with the job, (actually best of luck with filling in the application, they're a nighmare aren't they)


Tell me about it! I've got five applications to do at the moment for a mixture of academic and heritage jobs and they all have very different application processes so I can't just repeat a lot of the stuff. I've just about finished one but it's taken me a lot of the weekend. I'd better get one of these jobs!!:-s