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concomitant expenses reimbursement

Thanks pixie. I am thinking of living in University accommodation only. When my parents come, I think they can stay in the univ. guest houses.

concomitant expenses reimbursement

Dear wallsonfire,

Thank you so much for your advice and bringing me face to face with the ground reality.

About accommodation, I would like to have a 2 bedroom flat as my parents would like to visit me from time to time over 3 years. Could you please tell me the amount of rent I should expect to pa out? Can a furnished 2 BR flat be had under GBP 900? (incl. water and electricity). Thanks

Relocation expenses

Hi, I have an offer of a fully funded PhD from a UK university. Standard stipend of 13590 GBP is included. My question is that as an international student, will I be reimbursed expenses like air fare, visa fees etc. Of course, I can ask this directly to the University but before that want to know your opinion. Thanks.

concomitant expenses reimbursement

Hi, I have an offer of a fully funded PhD from a UK university. Standard stipend of 13590 GBP is included. My question is that as an international student, will I be reimbursed expenses like air fare, visa fees etc. Of course, I can ask this directly to the University but before that want to know your opinion. Thanks.

Please help me(Urgent) - funding question

Thanks. I hope they do not ask me to pay the difference.

Please help me(Urgent) - funding question

Please help me on this. I am freaking out!

Please help me(Urgent) - funding question

I have received a PhD studentship offer from a UK university. I am from Sri Lanka. The funding information states that it covers
"tuition fees and a stipend of 13590 GBP and it is open to students from all countries."

I am awaiting the formal offer letter. I am a little tense that can the university ask me to pay the difference in tuition fees for EU students and international students? If they do, I wont be able to afford it....:-(

Can someone please help me in understanding this.... Please