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Loving my master's so far . . .

======= Date Modified 19 Oct 2009 12:58:23 =======
Hello M_heneghan,

Just thought I would add my good wishes to your thread, as I thought it was a nice thing for you to put up there! I have just started an MA in Education (PT) and am enjoying the classes so far. The part-time aspect works really well for me, as it fits in around work and homelife.


drilling down

Hi Michellehe, Thanks for replying. I will take your advice and pick a subject to concentrate on. Then I can run it past the supervisor

drilling down

======= Date Modified 16 17 2009 15:17:42 =======

I'm new to the forum and would like to ask a question. I am in the process of applying for a Phd, my subject is computer networking. However, most of the advertised Phds seem to be very, very precise on the subject. As I have to write a proposal for my application, I was wondering if anybody could advise me on narrowing down my subject?

Thanks in advance!