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Going forward???
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I really like Edwardianguy's comments about not limiting your options to an either/or. I know we often do this, myself included, and it just seems to be something to the do with the way we think, rather than being a major truth about reality. There can be more options out there but sometimes it is hard to see these.

It isn't uncommon for people to have several careers in a lifetime, especially nowadays. I guess the issue is that none of us have a crystal ball and can predict our futures. So yes, whatever you do has an element of risk. Hindsight is always a marvellous thing.

When I get stuck (often) on a life decision that has potentially will have a reasonable impact on my life, I look at my broader goals (not specifics) and then I look at what seems to be a positive option forward for the next few months. I then choose the best positive option for the next few months, but only as long as it is working towards my broader goals and fits in with my values. Then later on, when I look back, I can think, well it was a good decision at the time and it has taken me further and opened up some more doors (very possibly doors I had not realised existed until I took that step).

Best of luck MB. Did you manage to get your article btw? Hope so.

submitted today
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Congratulations Butterfly! That's awesome! Well done and, for my part, thank you as well for your contribution and participation. I hope you know it has been appreciated. Hoping you stay on the forum and also that you do something great to celebrate and to help you through this transition period.

Final year support thread
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Well done Practical Mouse-great effort. Wishing you all the very best as you enter the submission and examination stage!

Final year support thread
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Thanks Kikima and Chickpea. I have almost completed my Ch 5 revisions and anticipate one day next weekend will see an end to this chapter. I think the mistakes come from overload. Although they can be mortifying and frustrating. I had to check up on a date for work which I had overlooked and one of the secretaries implied I was getting more forgetful as getting older. I wanted to scream "I have just moved states, jobs, roles, houses, lives, am supporting someone I care about deeply through a horrible crisis from a distance, learned every new system, name, person's back story and routine and am currently trying to remember data and other stuff for my final edits-and I am just checking up on a date! You try it and see how you go!" Of course I didn't. I smiled...sorry guys, dummy spit. Over now. Thanks for your terrific support and Kikima, writing a PhD in another language is really impressive-wonderful stuff.

Final year support thread
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Urrgh! Work, health and family issues impacted on my beautiful timeline for editing in the last three weeks, and now I am home with a cold, trying to finish edits for Chapter 5, editing the last ten painstaking pages, which seem to be dragging on forever. The edits themselves are not huge but when I put this chapter together, I de-identified my students, but given the size of the sample did not give each one a pseudonym. As the qualitative material I used in this data set wasn't like the huge transcripts and quotes from my third data set of far fewer participants who do have pseudonyms, I thought I could just provide some samples to liven up the trends emerging in my results and to provide samples of categories and types of responses.

Currently going back through masses of data to ensure every last tiny illustrative quote embedded in the chapter sections between frequency tables and text discussion is attributed to the specific student from the entire sample of 178. Somewhat stupidly, I have done everything the old fashioned way-coloured texts, post its, crafted tables and simple excel frequency tables and data (chief supervisor is happy with this process) but I really wish now that I hadn't. I'm posting I think as a warning...or just because...needless to say my timeline for chapter edits is a week or two overdue. Sometimes you can push through and sometimes I think you just have to go with the flow.

Can someone grab this paper for me?
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Hi Ian, my university apparently only can access the citations page, the abstract, outline of table of contents and I can see the list of figures, tables, appendices. So it lets me into the first page and appendices but not the full article. For what it is worth, this was included at the bottom of the citation page but I think you have this already.

Change History: September 2015. F. T. Mahi added keywords; expanded text with additional review materials; added Figure; and updated the list of references.

Final year support thread
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Kikima I think you have to actually force yourself to take care of yourself sometimes. And grit your teeth through the bad moments but don't let these moments and the grim thoughts that haunt you during the editing phase prevent you from exercise, decent food, and a movie or something else you enjoy.

You have to actually plan it sometimes. I actually make myself write items on a list. Eg: At 4 pm I will stop and go for a walk/run/swim (whatever) then I will make sure I eat something with some form of nutritional value not just chocolate, nuts or cereal. You don't feel miraculously better but you will feel better over time slowly and you will finish! I tick all items off the list both writing tasks and things like vacuuming or shopping or calling family-it is probably insane behaviour really- but it does seem to work for me. Other people might have other ideas.

Can someone grab this paper for me?
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Sorry only able to download the original version I think-not the updated. (These authors I.A. Inman, P.S. Datta, H.L. Du, C. Kübel and P.D. Wood)

Anyone with two PhDs?
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I don't think I would do a second phd or even a professional doctorate but I would love to do a second Masters that focused on clinical counselling skills and I may do this after completing the PhD this year and taking a bit of a break. Not sure yet though, I just love this sort of work more I think than what I do currently although that is enjoyable if stressful at times.

I had to do the Phd though and don't regret this as I think all of the knowledge areas will suit each other and it may help me establish a private practice in a few years time as well as training my professional writing skills. I spend most of my time in 'the real world' whatever that is and fit all of my studies in during weekends and term breaks and holidays. If I did enrol in a M Counselling, this would be undertaken while I work in my current work, and I have no doubt the skills learned would enhance both my professional and personal life.

Starting PhD when I might be going to prison during?
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Totally agree with ToL.

Re-developing the research proposal
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Quote From Tudor_Queen:
That's good. My supervisors don't give verbal encouragement (that's why I come to this forum!). Thankfully, they read my drafts and give feedback though.

Quote From Pjlu:
PS: I thought I might add also that neither supervisors have expertise in my topic. Their areas are quite different. I was assigned main supervisor based on availability and some very general similarities and second supervisor came in when another senior person who was assigned to be on my panel moved on.

Do you have someone else you talk to who has expertise then? Just wondered. I am moving away from my main supervisor's expertise, and I was actually thinking of changing supervisors for that reason...

No I don't have a mentor in my area at all really. It has been quite an isolated study with regard to that...I discuss the topic occasionally with other professionals or friends when they ask, but not for long as it can become too involved. I mainly get to share if I present to others. And that is more about methods or practice, or one of the outlier subsidiary topics not the main one. It has been a bit difficult in respect to that...however, I think my topic is worth it and now I am coming close to the end, my supervisors certainly seem to think so as well. Time will tell I guess...

Re-developing the research proposal
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Thanks for your encouragement. When you went through this process was it with your supervisors' close/distal guidance or were you more or less alone?

My main supervisor has always provided emotional support in that she has listened sympathetically to my issues throughout the thesis. The other supervisor is better for a sort of friendly, non emotional, brisk feedback on aspects of chapter drafts or other structural matters-but I only see her very occasionally as she is so busy. However, with regard to finding solutions and anything else, I have been on my own. First supervisor will extend thinking or seek to clarify when I present ideas and provide feedback to my written work regularly. I haven't always been able to access them though. My meetings with first supervisor are generally one meeting every 8 weeks (it would be four weekly if I were full time). In between that time I have just been working on my own.

During my data collection when things went pear shaped (as it does with data at times), I pretty much came up with solutions, trials and tried to dig my way out of the hole I was in by myself. It was more like first supervisor was peering over the top of the hole going 'you can do it come on'-metaphorically speaking, but not acting or throwing in a rope to help. Does this make sense? it was hard-still is hard but I'm now at the stage when I can see the finish line in the distance and believe it has been worth it. (Although I might change my mind after examination results-that is probably much later on at the end of this year if I can keep to my current timeline). Best wishes...it is a tough time...

PS: I thought I might add also that neither supervisors have expertise in my topic. Their areas are quite different. I was assigned main supervisor based on availability and some very general similarities and second supervisor came in when another senior person who was assigned to be on my panel moved on.

Feedback on your work
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Quote From TreeofLife:
I agree, I would rather be told it as is, I don't like people dancing around the point either. By less intense, I guess I'm thinking if it's written down I can go back over it later, with verbal feedback I will probably forget most of it and there isn't usually time to write it down as they are talking.

When my current supervisors provide this feedback, the main supervisor has written already on a copy of the draft which is given to me at the time and this helps. Having said this, sometimes new things are discussed if both supervisors are there. Mainly I think because the second supervisor hasn't read the draft and is only now considering both my text and the main supervisor's comments and rapidly reading and taking it on board as we go. She is pretty much head of the faculty though and very busy and that is just how it works with her.

I also agree with pm133's comment about how feedback is often given in the workplace. This is the most prevalent sort of feedback given in the different schools and systems that I work within.

Re-developing the research proposal
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Tudor Queen, I am not sure of the methodology that you are using but is your primary proposal focused on testing a central hypothesis or is it exploratory. If it is an exploratory study with some qualitative data, then your proposal can be based on questions that help you explore the topic. So given that the first study is interesting but not what you expected, do any questions arise or does this change the sorts of questions you might ask in the next study.

By questions, I am not talking about survey questions for the students (if you are doing surveys) but questions like:How does using BIggle Boggs reading program impact on children's word fluency in their first year of education ? This could be part of a bigger question in your whole thesis that addresses-what impacts do early childhood reading programs have on second language speakers in year 3 and 4? (Pulling any old idea out of a hat at the moment-so it might not make sense).

My data fell through in what would have been the second year of my thesis (part time) due to participant apathy and in desperation I created a data set and question that was fairly out of left field (and only sort of related) but actually makes sense now. However, it has meant that I have added an extra research question into the whole thesis.

So where I had two primary questions I was hoping to address, I now have three. The thesis addresses all three questions but that actual central idea or different piece of knowledge that really ties it together only developed after I had collected, analysed and written up all three data sections and then when I was writing the discussion and conclusion chapter I got what it was really all about. So changed my title-reworked in the extra question, reorganised chapters to make it seamless, rather than clunky , etc. I don't think this is uncommon but it is scary while you are going through the process. You will get there, be kind to yourself and just keep swimming.

Research methodology - HELP!!
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Hi there, firstly narrow down your topic through your research questions. Eg: Perhaps choose a specific site or tool you are going to evaluate and a specific tool or knowledge set that the site provides that you will focus on.

Then think of questions that will help you frame your research around this tool and something that you can gather evidence on to measure. Note you are still investigating your broader topic but from the measurable lens of your current focus. Do you have a specific Facebook page you wish to evaluate or do you need to create one.

Then you might measure visits, etc. You might possibly want to use a mixed methodology using visits, a survey tool that provides both quantitative and qualitative data. You could possibly do a case study of one particular site and in addition to gathering survey data and statistical evidence on usage and hits for specific posts, you might be able to identify a few individuals who would be prepared to provide more detailed information through interviews or extended responses.

I:E Site might be providing information on an aspect of Diabetes and this site has been provided as a resource to undergraduate health studies students to assist with a specific unit or module they are undertaking as part of a broader program or perhaps the students themselves have found/created the page or alternatively the learning provider (lecturer) has created the page for his/her students as a group resource.

Your questions might be focused on how often this site was used or cited by the particular group. Did they find it helpful? How did they use the site-as an information tool (sort of like a text book) or was it used in other ways. To supplement knowledge, help study for exams, or to post questions, etc.

PS This is how I might approach it. There would be other ways undoubtedly that would be just as or more useful to consider. Would your supervisor be able to help with this?

PPS I meant to add that researching (aka the reading you do for your lit review should help you with narrowing down your topic as well).