Overview of ProcrastiPro

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Doing a PhD, does it make you ugly?

This is such a reassuring thread! I can completely identify...

Can't blame gray hairs on the PhD - I think I found the first one about age 10 - but have quit being bothered to wear/clean my contacts, barely manage to get my hair coloured, and when I went for a haircut last week (first in months) I could tell the stylist was trying not to appear openly horrified at the mess she found! And I'm getting fat as well.

I like the idea of instant makeover after submission, though.

yay publication proposal!!!!

Well done, that's brilliant! I've heard horror stories about 2-3 year queues in one of the journals in my field...but anyway 'forthcoming' doesn't stop it from looking good on your CV!

What is a VIVA?

I'm inclined to agree with Jayney - I can think of at least 3 colleagues who've had a viva in the last year and claim they enjoyed it.

What are your favourite academic sayings, proverbs or catch phrases?

My head of school:
'Save that for the book.'

Do you think we should have an 'introduce yourself' thread?

Hi, no doubt ProcrastiPro would have been my real name had my mother known me better at the time...I'm doing a history PhD and getting uncomfortably close to the 3-year mark. Afraid I'm more of a lurker at heart than a poster, really.

Cake, trout, salmon...it's all good.

How old were you - starting the phd?

Started at 30, will be finished at 34 (change of field/2nd BA previously).

"...while for non-science academics a PhD is often the pinacle of one's research work" (previous page) - God help us, I hope not! I think this was more the case 15 years ago or so, but it's certainly not the recommended way to look at it these days. I've always been advised to consider the PhD as a sort of apprenticeship piece rather than as the magnum opus. (In fact I think the analogy to medieval guilds comes from GR Elton, who was kicking around quite a few decades ago now.)

But if OUP wanted to publish it, I wouldn't say no!

learning to touch type aged 30

If you're practicing typing from a written text rather than audio, some people find music helpful. It helps keep the rhythm going.

And yes, I do think it's worth learning, although I have a friend who typed his entire PhD thesis with 2 index fingers.

office space for humanities students

For about 70 research students we have 1) a room for teaching assistants, with one ancient dysfunctional computer and 3 desks 2) some carrels in the library, with power point for a laptop on every 4th one only 3) two or three lucky people have managed to wangle a workstation in one of the research centres.

first person usage

I'm in humanities too, & agree with Bilbo & Sleepyhead.

chapter due in 14 days

Good luck. I can sympathise - I have one due then, too.

Help! Footnote Referencing...

I believe op cit/ibid should be the other way round. Otherwise that will work fine. I wouldn't bother with 'Cf'.

There are lots of hair-splitting differences in styles, but what's important is to be consistent.

If your supervisor is that fussy, might be worth asking if they prefer you to follow a particular journal's style sheet. You can usually find them on journal/publisher websites. If your sup doesn't care which, just grab one at random (within your discipline, naturally) & follow it - saves the hassle.

My Phd Blog

I really like your blog too, Jola. It's become a regular part of my own daily PhD avoidance routine! (NB: I am not to be confused with p'nator.)

Easter Weekend-Whats everyone up to?

Working (sigh).

panel in two days

Think of it as a chance to talk about your project to people who are paid to be interested. I was worried about mine last year too, but the thing itself wasn't really as bad as the anticipation. I still thought I'd sounded fairly idiotic, but the worst comment I got was 'you're not very good at self-promotion, are you?'

Anyway, best of luck!

if you are in need of a laugh on this Friday

Thanks, those did me good - especially the "lawsuit".