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CV - advice needed with detail of results

I didn't have an oral exam to be awarded a 2.1. The policy was they didn't round up degree marks and I was the cut-off point for 2.1/1sts. I was quite happy really because I was on a mid 2.1 half way through the 3rd year and it was only because of getting quite high 1sts in my last round of exams that I was so close to a 1st in the end.

CV - advice needed with detail of results

Thanks for your replies. I think I'll put my overall mark down for my UG but leave modules out. I am a science graduate, but I can see what you mean, commonsense, about the range of a 2.1. I got 69.something, so really missed by a whisker.

CV - advice needed with detail of results


I've been asked to send my CV to a supervisor and was just wondering should I include the actual marks (as well as classification) I achieved for my UG/masters degrees. It's just that I was very close to a first for my UG and don't know whether it's worth mentioning the actual score. Should you include any module results as well if they're particularly relevant to the PhD?

Many thanks