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Norming the stimuli

Bobby thanks, I think I will follow your advice and mail some authors! Yes, I am attached to a department but I wouldnt like to name it. I have a completely different view of psychology than people in my department and it is really hard working in an environment where everyone has a completely different approach! What about you?

Norming the stimuli

Dear aliby, I had big problems in my department after my supervisor left my Uni to go to another continent! I would either change topic and do what the staff in my department wanted me to do (which is not what I am interested in) or I would do the PhD by myself. And I think I am doing very well since I have already published a paper with only my name on!

Norming the stimuli

I have also two levels of emotional arousal (high and low) and found differences in response times (people responded to the "negative", scariest faces faster which is a replication of a thousand studies of course). Anyway... sorry I got passionate; its strange talking to someone about my PhD. Being 100% honest noone knows what I do A last thing....

Norming the stimuli

Can you give me the references with the "stats attached" please?

The stuff you do is of great interest to me! What I am trying to find out at the moment is whether people remember better faces with distinctive features when we force them to pay attention to the "whole" instead of the parts. Like asking: How intelligent you think is this person? So people's attention switches from the parts (and therefore from the distinctive feature) to the whole.

Norming the stimuli

Sending my drafts to editors and receiving feedback is a good supervision though . Well, thats what I want to know. How I can rate the faces by myself. I chose the faces from a website, I cropped them and made sure everyone is looking straight to the camera, wear the same uniform, I removed blemishes, facial hair, moles etc if they had any... so I think they are ok now. But how do I rate them properly?

Norming the stimuli

What method do you use in your experiments?

Norming the stimuli

I am dealing with memory for faces (face recognition). So I want to make sure that people wont remember a face because is significantly more distinctive, or older or more arousing, or more attractive than the rest, so I want to choose the 128 more "similar" faces out of the 160 that people rated. Then I will add distinctive features to them using photoshop (scars, moles, facial hair etc) to see the effect of this addition on identification performance. I dont have a supervisor; its a long story but basically I am doing the PhD by myself.

Norming the stimuli

I had 40 people rating 160 faces on 4 dimensions (attractiveness, arousal, distinctiveness, familiarity) on 9 point Likert scales.. The reason is that I want to select a highly homogeneous group of these faces (concerning the 4 above dimensions) to use in my further experiments. The thing is that every published article refers to this procedure by just saying: The stimuli had been normed by 40 independent judges. So I don’t really know how people do it and I do not have a prior experience with norming. Do you have any idea?

Norming the stimuli

Hello. I am trying to norm some visual stimuli at the moment. I collected the data (people were rating faces on 4 dimensions) and I am now trying to write the results. I am not sure what analysis to use though. Has anyone a similar experience?

Thank you all!

Welcome back Athina! Its nice to see you posting again...

News from Athina

No problem Piglet I understand what you mean...

News from Athina

I met my fiance on the internet

Photoshop-editing images for my PhD

Thanks Ann! That was a very good idea! I hadnt thought about it at all! I sent them a mail; I hope they will help me.

Photoshop-editing images for my PhD

Hi all. I have to edit some images with Adobe Photoshop and although I tried to do it myself it is very much time consuming, so I thought to pay a specialist to do it faster and properly. Do you have any idea how I can find someone (maybe a student) on line? Do you know any site with such offers/contests etc?

"Tolerance" - or celebration?

I agree 100%