Overview of shelleyanne

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where can i get support?

i get the feeling that whateever i say to her ( my advisor) will come back to him then he will be even more strange with me and thats the last thing i want. its the way he talks to me and is very dismissive of questions etc, but not sure how i can convey this to someone else, who is likely to tell him !

1 4 the ladies? Is Primark dressing female research students.

there is no money for 'stuff' ... even on my stipend i still struggle.. though working on basis when ive paid off overdraft and loans from undergrad well i might be loaded. sadly this is not likely to happen in the 3 years im doing my PhD !

where can i get support?

having serious problems with my supervisor.. the graduate studies advisor is his best friend and my advisor doesnt reply to my emails? any suggestions?

motivational strategies - what makes you get out of bed?

the fact that my housemate is so noisey that i might as well get up because never going to get back to sleep!

What area of research are you in?

im in cancer/diet/epigenetics research...

Let`s play word association


Let`s play word association


am i supposed to have life....!

some days i come in at 7 to set up 9 hour experiment so work till maybe 6.. other days 9-4, with like 15 min lunch hours ..

am i supposed to have life....!

i do my experiments etc and writing but its always tempting to just go when im done.. i never know if this is ok.. or i should fill in my time with something else.. wish he would just say!!

am i supposed to have life....!

im the same think thats why i worry, supervisor said doesnt care if i work 9-5 or 2 hrs a day as long as i get my work done.. problem is i have no idea where im supposed to be up to!

Let`s play word association

getting a PhD will be one..

am i supposed to have life....!

maybe i should make the most of it while i have time...!

am i supposed to have life....!

is this on guidance from supervisor or just what you feel is needed?

Another unproductive day

ebay..... pages of pointless things to buy keep you amsued all day..

am i supposed to have life....!

i dont because im worried i should be working..! work long days to show supervisor im keen tho end up faffing most of the day because i dont have a lot do to!