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Is it all research?

A lot depends on the department - some will give you a lot of research time, whereas others are more focused on teaching


I ditched my full-time job and took a crappy PT admin job because I'd seen too many people fail/go crazy trying to study and work FT

Global Competition Review - my uni does not subscribe to this journal - help

Trying googling - you'd be amazed what comes up (so many times I've been able to find articles that are supposed to be subscription)

I've had inter-library loans come through as early as the next day from my Uni library

Can/Should non-PhD students give PhD students advice???

What is the context?

Ageism and applying for academic positions

I agree with Ann - I would attribute it to your lack of publications. There are people with publications going for post docs because the competition in academia is so intense.

Journal Papers, What do You Do?

I have to print them out too - typically print them, read them, save a PDF file of the them and keep hard copies of any really important ones that I think I will come back to

LSE or UCL???

I'm a PhD student in international politics and have to say that LSE has the MUCH better name in this field

MA Msc difference

Means bugger all difference in reality - depends on what the Uni calls that particular degree. I have an MSc (supposedly social science) but no different to an MA at another uni

Career development loans

I couldn't get one for my Masters

To be honest the terms of the payments/interest was MUCH worse than the standard loan I took out instead. The repayment holiday was less than the CRL, but the interest I pay back is several grand less

Involved with postdoc

I agree with Jojo and 404. If you move you will show that you are not professional enough to combine your emotions with your research. You will also be confirming this opinion that there is something inappropriate about your relationship

How do I present my esearch topic ?

Ask the uni how they want you to write it as each institution is very different in what they expect. Some people have to submit very detailed plans of 5,000 - I only had to submit 2,000 with general idea of what the argument was about

BSc, MSc, PhD at *same* university

No - academics who have moved

BSc, MSc, PhD at *same* university

I personally do think it is accurate and there are many academics who do not care

I also don't appreciate the implication that someone with commitments is less commited to their career than someone who, due only to circumstance, is able to move around

BSc, MSc, PhD at *same* university

It used to be considered a 'bad' thing to have only studied at one place, but not any more.

I will have completed all my qualifications at the same uni purely because I have commitments here that mean I can't move.

Are you going to work in your PhD during the summer?

For the record, humanities and soc sci students are expected to work through the summer - we don't have any official holidays