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how you manage papers?

Jepson, does your uni have a remote desktop access? If so it will probably have endnote loaded on that.

In a bit of a position of ignorance here with regards to endnote web, but I wouldn't advise buying a copy of endnote for your home computer if you also intend to work at Uni. You would likely end up with two seperate libraries and endnote doesn't like that.

a word of warning...

Quote From eskimo_sue:

Today i had to help out my mam - she had to go up to the shops so i brought my laptop downstairs to work while the 2 year old she looks after watched tv. Except she likes to listen to music on headphones if she sees somebody with them - she mistook my laptop charger for headphones and asked to "listen to the music" so i tried to explain that it was actually a plug - to no avail, but once she had her hands on it she would not let go - insisting it was 'hers'. So, i decided to go for the easy life and left her with it for a while. Except she also likes to put things in her mouth....and guess what - my laptop charger is not working properly now!

That wouldn't have been my first guess as to what would happen to a child who likes to put an electric charger in their mouth.

Although, thinking about it, I doubt anyone would post a message on this forum if my imagining of the situation had occured.

didn't get the job...

Ah that's unlucky. It seems you went to an interview for a job that was fundamentally designed for someone else, but there was no reason for them to try to bullshit you with their definitions of what counts and what doesn't count.

Chin up, something will come along(up). Plus, despite their bollocks, it sounds like you did well and they were forced into finding ways to discount you.

The One Goal Thread

I scored one goal today. As per my earlier posts on this thread, I'm upto about 10 for the season. Strangely this goal scoring spree has coincided with my fitness levels improving drastically, which has coincided with the expiry of my bus pass and having to walk everywhere - hmmm.

I'm 24 tomorrow, so I'm putting on a goal for the whole of the next year. I will reach a second peak in my physical fitness (the first was 18) which will involve shifting 10 pounds (at minimum) a bit of gym work, lots of football, starting rock climbing again and lots and lots of walking.

Two short term goals for this is buy some shoes that I can walk about 2000 miles in and get inducted on my Uni's climbing wall.

Being a smartarse

I did say that picking my way through verbal minefields is not my forte.....

Eska: I'm not offended by people being offended - I don't take my beliefs or my self that seriously. It does annoy me though. It's nice to see you back anyhow. :-)

Stressed: I too though that there was an age gap between the responses, but not a gender gap. Maybe that's just my lack of astuteness and wisdom as a young male not touched by the world....

Keep_Calm: I would respond to your point, but I imagine it will just drive people further out of sorts. Imagine an argument along the lines of Mill, Freedom of Speech and tolerance.

Quote From Sue2604:

Firstly, second wave feminism has always been concerned with language and words - this is not a product of post-modernism/post-structuralism. It was 70s feminists who started the push for the use of non-gendered, non-sexist language. 70s feminists fought for equality on many fronts - in language, in philosophy, in academia, as well as for concrete gains such in education, employment, safety for women etc. A focus on words is not new. The 

Secondly, If it wasn't for 'navel gazing' feminists, how would we expect new ideas to emerge? Should feminists only be fighting for material gains for women? I think not. As Audre Lord said (who, btw, was an African American 1970s feminist), 'the master's tools will never dismantle the master's house' ie we need new frames of reference. Post-structuralism can provide this. Why shouldn't feminists study post-structuralism? Feminist activity is needed in every arena, not just the material ones. There are feminists everywhere, who work everyday, to make women's lives better. Many of these work within a feminist frame of reference, which may or may not stem from a post-modern basis, and loads of women do focus on making a practical difference to women's lives.

Thirdly, lots of leading feminist post-structuralists have used post-structuralism to theorise around difference, stemming in part, from their position as women from an ethnic minority background. Post-structuralism is definitely not confined to white feminists.

Thanks for the post Sue.(up)
Okay, first off, my remarks were about the feminist debate in the mainstream, not really the academic debate/s or about the generations of feminists (although I hadn't realised that the issue of language came prior to the postmodernist turn.) It is within the mainstream that there is now the huge imbalance which I talked about.

Secondly, I can think of plenty of new ideas that are not coming from feminists, maybe I'm missing your point on this bit because it does seem like a strange question. As for "should feminists only be fighting for material gains for woman?" I would answer yes, at least at the moment. I think that the material reality of a situation determines things far more than language does and that only through tackling material oppression can you fundamentally change the position of women in society. You change the material reality which changes the ideological reality which changes language - the other way round is just excruciatingly slow and a bit pointless!

Thirdly, I wasn't actually talking about feminism ignoring racism or people from other ethnicities (hence, I didn't include white in my list of adjectives.) Instead I was talking about (liberal/mainstream) feminists and their failure to engage with issues of worldwide development and, well, the whole shitheap of problems that those in the third world suffer and are subjected to. I mean, if you want to get mad about something, get mad about how 18% of the world live on less than $1 a day, how there is an international regime based on free trade and the main promoters of that free trade protect the markets where developing countries are most competitive, or how up to one billion people don't have access to clean water when in the first world w

Walminski's Writing Up Thread

Hahaha! Great poem. Have a sprout for your example of wonderous procrastination.(sprout)

Being a smartarse

Hmmm, picking through verbal minefields isn't my forte. However, having started all this mess (which has now managed to create a discussion that has offended more people) I would like to add a few points and offer a warning/explanation: I am a politics student and my way of thinking about the world is inherently political.

Firstly, as a point on the original topic, I know her pretty well. Maybe not on the level of close friends, but not strangers and way past a level where I would expect people to get that I'm taking the piss.....having taken the piss out of enough things in her presence.

Secondly, on the whole sexist thing, I really think that some of the responses here reflect the naval-gazing that the feminist debate has come to....in part because of the domination of first world middle class liberal feminists and because of the rise of postmodernism in philosophy. There is now this focus on words rather than the material global reality of female life - there is a focus on how the structure of language and words keeps woman oppressed instead of a focus on the real material factors that afflict the lives of woman every single day.

To relate this back to the topic at hand, is that people appear to be willing to get into a huff about the words used not the meanings intended and what there certainly isn't a huff about is structures that you can literally put your hands on and say "this is sexism!" What's worse, is that sexism, it would appear, is a one way street that exists only when a man says something to a woman. Consider if my joke was made between two women - would anyone be saying that it was sexist? Offensive, yes. But sexist, I don't think so.

Thirdly, on the whole issue of offense, I think its worth echoing what earlier posters said in that offense is something that is fundamentally taken by the other person. Sure, I can try to give offense, but it doesn't exist until someone else perceives it. And it turns out that people choose to take offense at some very random things. For example, some nationalistic Greeks are offended if you call Macedonia Macedonia. If you take things like that into account in a pre-emptory effort not to offend people than you'll never have conversation or make anything resembling a joke. It would be a dull world if conversation was restricted to only what the most pious feel they can discuss.

And on a final (flippant) note, I agree with the women.(up)

Being a smartarse

Quote From larrydavid:

You clearly display a lack of female interaction. When was the last time you shared a romantic moment with a young lady? Have you even ever had a girlfriend? You quite obviously hold a festering inner hatred for this girl, and the female race as a whole. The girl in your class that every guy fancied always ignored you, didn't she? She never even noticed you. That's why you feel more comfortable in pubs, surrounded by old familiar stubbled faces, drinking yourself into some deeper sense of social insight. And as you stagger home past that girl standing outside the club, with a guy that likes her, and respects her, and knows how to talk to her, she pities your sad little off-the-cuff department persona.

A swing, a swing and a miss! Woo! Is this your party trick - to try and psychoanalyse someone from one joke? Maybe you think that if you do that you can project some narrative backstory on to someone in an effort to make your life less pathetic. Did you sit there in your sweat-stained vest surrounded by empty pot noodles pots and crunchy tissues and then try to pour every ounce of malice into a venom laded attack on someone that you don't even know?

Oh look, I can make up bollocksy backstories too! How's about you don't try to assume things about people from a small amount of information - because as the old cliche goes, when you assume you get things completely wrong and act like a prick.

Now, while I'm not going to waste my time dissecting your narrative construct I would like to ask; what world do you live in where women aren't allowed in pubs.....and that all pubs are filled with drunken old men?

Being a smartarse

Thanks for the replies guys!

The actual joke was some off-the-cuff dry-as-sawdust remark, like:
Me: I've got some pubs lined up
Her: What about clubs?
Me: Nah, only slags go to clubs
Her: I go to clubs!
Me: Explains a lot

It wasn't a targetted thing, it wasn't a trick, it was just one of those jokes that pop up. I probably shouldn't have said only slags go to clubs - true - but the group of people we were with weren't club people, so it was easier just to dismiss clubs. In retrospect, she did actually go off in a bit of a huff after that, but it wasn't obviously related at the time.

Anyhow, acting like the true man I am, I haven't dealt with it today and have put it aside to fester....which, it turns out, it had already been doing for a week or two before I even found out.

How do you know when someone is flirting with you?

I find the easiest way to spot when someone is flirting with me is their guide dog and white cane.

I think one of the best things to do is watch them with other people as some people have naturally flirty behaviour. If they're acting differently towards you...then its on! (turkey)

Being a smartarse

Hopefully everyone who has encountered me on this forum has realised that the vast majority of things that I say are intended to be humourous (not necessarily funny, but calling on some, mostly low-level, forms of humour.) Anyhow, I just found out that someone on my course was recently offended (like, proper offended) by some off-the-shelf automatic joke that I made (y'know the ones that just pop up for an easy joke?) which I don't remember making because I make them all the time. Now, I'm not the sort of person to apologise for being myself, but I do think some form of apology about me being me is in order. How do you guys think I should handle it? I do kinda get the sense that, had no-one warned me that this was the case, I would have just belittled and dismissed her being offended......because.....well, I've never been offended in my life.

Argh! Damn people with feelings and sensitivities!(snowman)

Now that's what I call music...76!

Quote From Gennia:

Bob Dylan - Most of the Time (Alternative version)

That is just the most awesome post-breakup song ever. I could think about this seriously, but I've had too much to drink. I recommend John Mayer.....maybe "Who Says" "Free Fallin'" and "Gravity". He always cheers me up.....more tomorrow.

Today has not been a waste because....

On the topic of the main thread.....I will now walk the three miles back home.

Quote From Sim:

Don't want to start a thread within a thread Teek, but...

she's in her 1st year, I'm in my 4th year, she's moving away for fieldwork soon, I'm moving away after i finish in 3 months.  She's great, i really like her, i think she likes me, but i don't know. I'd like to find a way to continue to see and get to know her, but I'm too afraid to tell her this because i don't know what she wants - what if she doesn't want to start anything with me? - and i don't want to scare her off or stop being friends with her.

...beans spilt all over the thread!

Hahaha! I managed to construct the exact same scenario in my head when I was moving away from my last city. But what you've done is you've tricked yourself with excuses for inaction - long-term prospects, friendship, some notion of being "fair" to her. In actual fact, this is the perfect time to just go for it. If you're both moving away, what are the long-term prospects of staying friends outside of being in a relationship? At worst you have three months of her not being your friend and being around you. At best, well I know a lot of people in long-distance relationships.

The most important thing is you don't know what she's up for......only one way to find out.

On a side note, I'm thinking of producing a Slizor motivational advice doll. Pull the string and it will repeat such phrases as "Go for it" or "Man up". I think maybe I'd purchase one for myself so I would actually end up taking my own advice.

Today has not been a waste because....

I thought that your post was going to read "Today Has Not Been A Waste Because......It's Only 12".

Anyhows, so far I've walked the 3 miles into Uni, which seems like something pathetic (I used to walk two miles into (and then out of) school everyday for 5 years) but it's a new habit I'm trying to get into since my bus pass expired.

The One Goal Thread

Goal four of the day completed - to score a goal. I'm now at 6 for my entire season and 6 in the last four games (this "season" is about twenty games long.) If only I'd started scoring earlier.....maybe I would have got a call from Fabio.

Only, goals five, six and seven.
Five - 500 good, referenced words.
Six - Walk the 3 miles back home.
Seven - Shower.