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Research job - application qs

Quote From sneaks:

Yours faithfully/sincerely (will look this up)

Sneaks (must remember not to put sneaks though)

Wait wait wait, your name isn't Sneaks?!

You, Madame, have lied to us.

On another, not entirely positive note, I think what you've done is fine and is something I did all the time when I was unemployed. However, I stayed unemployed for a long time, so maybe my advice ain't the best.

god parenting: gift(s)?

Based on my personal experience I would get.....a nice cuddly teddy bear.

My godmother gave me one and I still have him (albeit sat on the side with a Communist beret on and a gun in his lap. He turned quite militant once he hit his twenties.) He (Ted) is my most treasured possession, partly because everything else I own is shite.

Predoctoral FELLOWSHIP applications - failed grade

Quote From jojo:

Slizor - where does it say it's a primarily British forum? Just because you don't understand something does not mean that its not British.

It doesn't say it's primarily a British forum; that is my characterisation of it on the basis of my experience and the fact that the organisation that runs it is based in Sheffeld.

My saying that his query did not relate to the British system was based on his view that he could get DoD, rather than MoD, funding.

Predoctoral FELLOWSHIP applications - failed grade

Sorry mate, but this is primarily a British forum. You may have better luck at the PhD Comics forum - http://www.phdcomics.com/proceedings/

Impossibly last minute - any miracle stories?

10 to 20k is doable in six weeks. That's a whole 42 days! A 1000 words a day would put you way over your mark.

Have you tried tomato-ing?

HELP! endnote+track changes

If it's something to do with track changes you should be able to right-click on it and it will have as options "accept change" and "reject change". If this is the case I wouldn't worry about it because it should go away if you accept all changes.

If it's not that, maybe it's somethign to do with your endnote style. Is it set to your normal one?

endnote help

Numbered, suprisingly, is probably the style you want. If you want, I've got a document kicking around somewhere on my harddrive that says how to create custom styles.

Surely its a contradiction that the Journal of Procrastination has managed to get to its 38th volume....although if all articles are only 1 page long it could kinda make sense.(sprout)

I spoke too soon!

Wait a second - your sups respond to e-mails?

Help. They might fail me in my PhD.

I won't pretend this is great advice (or not affected by my current lit review on different types of power), but I think it's reassuring.

Contact the Students Union and draw on any support that they can offer you. While it may seem like everyone else holds all the cards, you do have power resources that can be drawn upon to put your point across and that ensures you are not just a decision-taker. It will mean that you are fundamentally not alone and will have (more) people in your corner.

Sources of inspiration

I've never been inspired by anyone, but I'm sure I've inspired many.

Sorry, I've spent part of this evening looking up proverbs and listening to some suitable music. It's got me in a (try to be) pithy mood. I do find things like quotes and proverbs can really improve my view on the world because you can always find one that supports your position.

Research outline (how-to)

I disagree with your approach. I wouldn't think so much about covering all your bases, it's only 250 words - which, frankly, is not enough to explain most points in. You need to be really straight to the point, what research will you be doing and why?

"I will be investigating x in order to achieve/improve y".

A few references wouldn't go amiss, but make them key.


No help at all.....?:-(

Surely someone has some tips on fieldwork - it seems to be the one thing no academic bothers to write about.


Hello party people,
I'm currently trying to organise my thoughts around the more mundane aspects of fieldwork in Washington and I was wondering if anyone had any (general or specific) advice for what kind of accomodation to look for (hostels?) and what kind of expenses I could incur that I'm likely not to think about. Obviously I don't expect a fully outlined plan (although....) I'm just unsure on the basic issues of moving to a foreign country for two-three months - it's not something I've done before.

On a completely unrelated note, I just noticed there's a typo on the website - it says "charactor countdown" just underneath the box I'm writing in.
Anyhows, cheers (up)

Part time Assistant job

Like Peljam, my Uni is very informal about advertising jobs for research students - generally just an e-mail sent round for things like invigilation (although this is obviously seasonal) and subwardening. There's a fair few things out there and probably quite a lot of people in a similar position.

how you manage papers?

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Double post