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endnote - what does it actually do?

Joyce, I assume you mean you want each reference to have a unique number. EndNote automatically assigns each entry a "Record number" and it will always keep this number even if you delete lower numbered entries - so you can number your paper copies the same way in the knowledge that EndNote will not change them (unless you import that library into another library in which case it will renumber the imported entries - better to keep one library for all).....

endnote - what does it actually do?

As well as the above, I ask it to display the Record Number on the left of the window. I then use this to number my paper copies and store them in lever arch files in number order. The beauty of this method is that you don't have to faff around deciding which topic to file a paper under. Likewise stops you from having to reorganise your filing as you get more papers, because you just collate them in sequence. Obviously to locate a paper, just search the author's name in endnote and it tells you the record number. Easy.

reseach proposal for Ph.d in computer science (database & networking)

If there was a Hall of Fame for dodgy posts, this would be right up there. It might even challenge the 10 angry African women and the Harvard man posts.

Advice for people with a third and wanting to do further study?

The difficulty is getting through the application screening stage. Some places (particularly if deluged with applicatiosn) will eliminate people purely on grades. A way to circumvent this is to get to know the prospective supervisor prior to submitting your application. By demonstrating your enthusiasm and motivation to them you try to get them onside so that they are looking for your application when it arrives. As they say, where there's a will, there's a way.

Second Supervisors - Panic!

Hi Hollie. It's still early days. As xeno says, you need time to read anyway so supervisor contact isn't that important right now. Relax, things are fine.

Expecting too much from supervisors?

No you're not expecting too much. Around here we aim for one sup meeting per month. In reality this varies according to where I'm at (i.e. I may not need one this month or alternatively may need 2 or more in a particular month - it's up to me).

Try sending a formal meeting request, a proposed agenda and pin them down to a place and time.

looking for a Phd assistantship/funding

Good luck then!

We will help to build a city park

We will help to build a city park

Please give generously to the Help Sylvester with his Christmas Shopping & Festive Overindulgence Fund. You will receive a signed photo of your favourite Sylvester in an appropriately inebriated state as well as a direct debit form so you can contribute to Sylvester's upkeep on a monthly basis. Thank you.

Please help me to find a seat in our university

Haven't seen too many Seats around my campus. There are plenty of Fords, Vauxhalls, Renaults and Peugeots if you prefer.

Festive campaign to remove irritating spelling!

It's alright, I'm only playing.

How to finding funding at both Masters and PhD level in IS


Festive campaign to remove irritating spelling!

Ah, but my "alot" was simply a typo (if typo exists that is), because I used "a lot" correctly earlier in the passage. So put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Festive campaign to remove irritating spelling!

Sorry to be the bringer of bad news, but the 'z's that appear in a lot of words (e.g. organization) are not of American origin but in fact Old English. Modern UK English has changed alot of the spellings to 's' (i.e. organisation). Don't believe me? Consult the OED which shows widespread use of 'z's in words before even the discovery of America!:


Festive campaign to remove irritating spelling!

Should it be "in THE light of"?