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language training

Has anyone here approached the ESRC about funding for language training? I'm looking to learn a language as part of my course and realise that I need to make a very strong case for it. However I can't find anything on the ESRC website related to this. Any help would be grand!

Another paper request, please help

Huhu I have access to the International Journal of Systems Science but can't find any articles by bertin etc when I did a search.

Have you got the exact details? i.e. issue and volume ....

And is th IJSS the same as Systems Science because Vol 11 of IJSS was not 1985. 1985 = Vol 16 in IJSS

Let me know and I'll help if I can

article request

Quote From sneaks:

is this one - only html but better than nothing?


marvellous, HTML will do. Thanks! (and thanks caterpillar for trying!)

article request
citing citations

in the past I've been fairly casual about citing citations from other peoples work ... e.g ( [x] cited in [x], 2010) but now that I'm starting to write papers which I hope to have published I've become perhaps a little more attuned to the fact that this doesn't seem to be common practice. But then you look at the reference lists for some of these papers and cant help but feel there is no way this person has read all this material.

So the question is, within the social sciences, what is your view of citing books/articles that you haven't read but wish to quote from (based on reading that quote in someone else's work)? What is accepted if not spoken practice? Or is it preferable to stick to writing "cited in" ?

article request

Thanks but I discoverd it was a problem with the site - my uni did have a subscription just had a very roundabout way of getting it verified by informaworld!

article request


article request

Can anyone help me access this article please?


Really would be very grateful!

Coming to the end of 1st Year

You can add me to the list of people who feel the same. My supervisor is super chillaxed about everything and is happy for me to keep slowly building up a portfolio of work (basically with a 10,000 word paper every 2-3 months) which will form the basis for my upgrade. Can't help but still have a nagging feeling that there is something more I should be doing though (especially since I work part-time as well, still find time for weekends with my gf, and am apparently on top of the work I'm being set to do)....When I ask older PhD students they all say they were the same and they didn't do any work in the first year (but they must have done something to upgrade!)

2nd reserve for ESRC funding - do I stand a chance?

nice one!

Setting up a website

Can I recommend wordpress? You can tailor it towards blogging or more traditional style website. There are a lot of ways to customise it and its free of charge to use. If you don't want comments you can disable them and literally just have the basic things you need.

(I'm not affiliated with wordpress, I just use it myself)

summer schools

Just curious, anyone been to a 'summer school' type event? I'm looking at one that's coming up this year in my area - basically looks like a week of discussing many issues that are relevant to my phd and broader interests. I intend to go. I was interested to know what people thought of these types of event (assuming their are more or less generic).

The One Goal Thread

good luck! Just lots of reading for me today

what to do when you dont think you have anything to do but have time to do it

I was just wondering what you guys do when you have time to do something, but dont really know what to do. To clarify I'm not talking about free time (i.e. those wonderful guilt-free moments when you can indulge in doing nothing) but times when you can't necessarily do the things you have to do (e.g. because you are waiting for feedback, etc) and so want to be doing something else that's useful. Yesterday I spent the whole day catching up on my annotated bibliographies. Today I had a couple of hours this afternoon - not really long enough to get stuck into the 'big' things I need to do but plenty of time to do a few smaller things....if only I knew what they were.

This is a bit of a ramble. If you can decifer it I would welcome any thoughts...on the ramble, not the deciphering


======= Date Modified 23 May 2011 14:34:44 =======
Hi Maks,

I was in a similar situation a year ago - rejected by Cambridge. I was then offered a place at another university which while good lacks the prestige of Oxbridge. I took it, and I havent regretted it once - in fact I think I was blinded by wanting to get into Cambridge that I didnt really look at what really mattered - having a great supervisor who is genuinely interested in supporting the research that you want to do.

If you really want to get started, and if you can find a good supervisor at Warwick (which has a great reputation anyway doesnt it?) or Wales then I'd really think about taking it - although take into account HazyJane's very important considerations as well!

You'll have to decide what matters most for yourself though.

Good luck