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Problems with PhD

I started my PhD almost two years ago now (it's a 4 yr molecular biology based). I had such enthusiasm when I started. My intention was to work as hard as possible and hopefully submit my thesis early. However, since then I have come to realise that the project I'm working on does not in fact work. The majority of faculty members at my insitution think it's a joke and should not be funded.

I took the PhD on mainly because it was the subject area I am interested in and was perhaps naive in the questions I asked before starting. However, it became obvious a few months in that what I had been told about the project was not ture. Re-phrase that - the people involved with the project had been very! economical with the truth. Not mentioning that the project has a fundamental flaw and that a previous postdoc working for three years had been unable to do anything about it.

I have spent the last two years essentially repeating the same lab procedure over and over with no improvement in the outcome. My supervisors continually dismiss my concerns having raised them first five months in. I'm not really an emotional person but the number of times it has driven me to tears...... I have lost count.

I don't know whether to sit it out and just hope that all the effort will result in the degree being awarded or to call it a day. Though, just getting a Doctorate is not really why I want to be in science. I wanted to make a difference and do something that counts even if in a small way. I feel this project is simply used as an employment tool, with those involved either being blinded by it's flaws or purposefully ignoring them.

The worst thing is when I have to give a talk or presentation. i feel absolutely ridiculours discussing the project as I konw the majority of aware scientists would be looking on with distain.

I am coming to the end of what I can resonably take with regards to how this is effecting me. I don't know what to do. I know if I quit and try find another PhD it will be extremely difficult with having a CV tarnished by one failure.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
