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I Got a 2ii MEng Chemical Engineering. Really what to do a PHd....Help

Hi all,

I’ve had a few interviews and things are moving along. Thanks for the moral support; it was so good to here from others in the same or similar predicament. It really helped to know I wasn’t the only one. What helped me the most was a job I got in an engineering R&D lab. I had to work my arse off, but it meant I had something to show at the interviews. Enthusiasm can get you far as well, nothing can be more attractive!!! Just keep plugging away and keep your mind open to opportunities, of which there are many (thou it may not seem like that at the time!!!).

I’ve been accepted onto a PHd studentship but have to wait to see if I get the funding in May.

Figures and Toes crossed!!!

HELP!!! - I Got a 2ii but Really What to to a phD

Thanks for the advice, defo given me hope..Thou looking back would you have done a Masters?

I Got a 2ii MEng Chemical Engineering. Really what to do a PHd....Help

I Got a 2ii MEng Chemical Engineering at Bath. I really what to do a PHd. I working as Developmental Engineer at the mo........
Some advice please..............

Should I do a Masters or MPhil First or should I try for a job in Lab? Where can I get funding for this (if possible) and how much help can I expect!!!?

Can I get straight onto a PhD in Chemistry/Biochemistry.....If so where should I realistically apply?

As I said I’m working in Industry at the moment and I’m feed up. Its just not for me!!!! Is there anyone who was in a similar position as me………?

I ready to put the hours in, but have no I idea who to tackle the problem?? There are so many options.. Is there anyone else who got round this?

HELP!!! - I Got a 2ii but Really What to to a phD

Hello there...

I got a 2ii MEng in Chemical Engineering but still really what to a PHD. I went through some really bad depression at Uni and really messed up some exams....

Can any help? Is there anyone out there who got a 2ii as well but still manged to get onto a PHD course in Engineering or the chemical or biochemical sciences?