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People scared of you and your PhD

I agree with your point Mia. I really must go and work on my thesis now, this thread is becoming far too distracting!

People scared of you and your PhD

No, of course not.
BTW I share what Mia called an 'Orphan Annie' or Matilda??! background (lol), with working class parents who read the Sun and not much else who were made angry by my persistent reading ('get your nose out of the book and join the real world!') and going to university (thought it would make me 'a snob' and not able to engage with 'real' people). Hmmm, reading these posts I see what they were afraid of...

How to remember authors?

I was just going to post the same thing! If you see the person at a conference or have a conversation with them after a seminar etc, it is much easier to remember. I find myself picturing them when reading their papers!

motivation gone missing

Thanks for your replies. I know it might seem like I'm over-reacting but because I work full time 2 days on my PhD is a real luxury and I feel like I've wasted it. I wish I could take tomorrow off but it's back to work (not PhD). Will try to take your advice and get some time off over the weekend. I haven't had a weekend off in ages which is probably why everything feels so frought and frantic. I know I'm nearing the end but that means I'm more worried about not making deadlines - i.e. my submission date will get pushed forward and I won't finish within 4 years.

motivation gone missing

Help, I need to finish my PhD but I seem to have a temporary (I hope!) loss of motivation! Have done hardly anything the last 2 days, and feel bad about it as every day counts at the moment. My Discussion chapter was due on Friday and it still hasn't materialised. My Conclusion is due this coming Friday. I'm worried I'm burnt out.

i know there is a problem with supervision but I dont know what the problem is or if the problem is a problem

I know you hate the agendas (me too!) but could you use them as a way of drawing her back onto what you want to cover for this session? e.g. if she starts talking about endnote you could suggest that if you encounter problems with it you might put it on the agenda for next meeting, but you are conscious of the time and on the agenda for this meeting is interpreting data etc. My department also makes me write up the meetings afterwards with agreed action points. I use it to manage my supervisor, e.g. record what she has agreed to do as well, put time and date of next meeting in big bold letters. At least you have it in writing if she doesn't turn up or read your work.

i know there is a problem with supervision but I dont know what the problem is or if the problem is a problem

10 years does seem a really long time for a PhD but I know a few lecturers at my university who have taken that long. Does she have many publications? Part of the problem might be RAE pressures, teaching, admin etc have diverted her efforts, and it would take so much to update her work now in light of new research. It is likely she feels bad about not completing her own PhD, so I imagine raising it with her might just be met with defense or anger. I would not recommend this unless you are sure you don't want her to play a role in supervising you (and preferably have an alternative).

Lack of Role Models...

Dare I say it, my supervisor is probably my main role model! She is a Professor, has a great research profile and also has 2 children. OK I might not agree with her about everything but I admire the way she views both family and career as equally important parts of her life and works hard to do both. I have a formal 'mentor', a male professor, and I think there is a lot about my position as a young female at the beginning of an academic career he just cannot understand.

Coffee: Instant, filter, cappuccino, moca, black or decaf???

Keep some instant nescafe on my desk (also Tetley's tea) but often go and get cappuccino from the coffee shop on campus!

TV shows when you were younger!!!

I admit it, I wrote in!! I asked if they could do a children's version of the Crystal Maze (it was only for adults at the time) and that I could take part with my friends, but no reply, sob!

What did you all do before your phd?

I did a BA then a taught MPhil then straight on to PhD.

How to write a personal statement for a PhD application?

Hi Mellory, you should write about why you want to do the PhD (your motivation)and what experience / attributes etc you bring.

PhD comic Piled higher and deeper.

I am a fan of PhD comics. I sympathise with the sketches of PhD students hunched over computers in darkened rooms whilst everyone else is outside in the sun having fun. Would I go? Hmmm depends where in UK and how work was going...

fed up with being asked when you will finish?

If only!!

fed up with being asked when you will finish?

It feels as though I get asked nearly every day when I will finish my PhD. It's driving me mad! It is becoming too frustrating to answer! I am considering making a laminated sign I could just hold up in response. Any suggestions about what this could say?!