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The most critical point in time...

Gosh, Jen, hope you're OK. I've been having a hard time, from month 13 till now (month 17). The first year was ace, then it all went to pot!! Hoping it will pass...

Berluddy awful supervisor!

I'm sorry about your supervision, driven. It's a hard choice to make. It is the risk of her getting a bad reputation in the dept that is stopping her trying to change, and I can understand why. Just such a shame if she has to leave, 26 months in, because of this. I wonder how they go about finding someone else to supervise you... surely it's not all up to you?

First Year Progress

I really wouldn't worry. I wrote a couple of lit reviews and did other work but nothing even close to a chapter. A couple of friends of mine even changed direction completely after their 1st year. It depends what your doing, but if your supervisor aint complaining I wouldn't worry. As long as you're reading (yawn)

Berluddy awful supervisor!

My office-mate has possibly THE worst supervisor ever :(
A complete bully, been trying to push her out for nearly a year now and failed her at her 2nd year review (she appealed and has a new review booked for mid-feb). This person is making her life hell, every email/meeting seems like just another opportunity for her to put my colleague down. She even emailed on xmas day to criticise her about something! I've been trying to talk her into asking for a new supervisor but she's worried about the dept. politics and rocking the boat. She's on the verge of leaving but has done some great research, and works like a cart-horse. Firstly, some people are just awful and I need to grrr and secondly, do you think it's possible/advisable to ask for a new supervisor? Subject-wise there are people in the dept that could supervise her.
Thank you guys

ps. I posted in the 'my friend quit' thread a while back... I'm still here, just have set myself a mental deadline for end of March to re-assess things. Very interesting to read other's experiences though.

My friend just quit his PhD after 11 months...

What do you mean matthew? As in PhD topic? My PhD is health related, My backgrounds psychology buy my PhD draws a lot on sociology/anthropology/philosophy... It's mixed methods so I do qual and quant stuff.

My friend just quit his PhD after 11 months...

I'm on the verge of quitting...the thought of going back after xmas has made me feel physically sick
It's been bad for about 4 months, and I'm not even sure why! Never thought I was a quitter, but perhaps sometimes it's better to cut your losses. And I know none of us are 'in it for the money' but having some financial pressure taken off would be fantastic!

fess up or lie?!

Thanks guys! Feel lots better about it now, and everyone's been surprisingly OK. I think I'm developing reasonable skills in damage limitation anyway Really appreciate your support

fess up or lie?!

Thanks, Pea--you're right of course!

fess up or lie?!

Thanks. And good luck to you with the viva!

Student Presentation Guides

I've got a couple my uni did for us... just tips for effective presenting. Want them?

fess up or lie?!

Cheers DJ, just feel like burying my head in the sand! Supervisor is frighteningly perfect and god like, but maybe it's for the best...

fess up or lie?!

Hi all, I've been lurking for a bit and now need some advice, or maybe just some 'think that's stupid? Listen to this...' comments!

Am doing a survey for my PhD, recruiting 4000 people in primary care. I'm usually meticulous but it's been hard lately and I stupidly sent some letters out with the wrong name for the address. In principle it isn't that bad, but the primary care organisation are fuming (fair enough). This morning I assured them only 20 had gone out wrong (which is what I thought), but it's actually 70. Worse still, none should have gone out before they had Ok'd it anyway. Ugh. I'm writing to each of the patients to apologise but... do I own up to how many there are, or lie if they ask and hope they don't find out? I have a sneaky feeling they'll complain about me (and I probably won't be allowed to complete the survey) if I own up, but if I don't and they find out I lied...

Haven't had the guts to tell my supervisor yet, been trying to sort it out on my own.