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research proposal


I'm not sure what university you are applying to or in which field and have no idea what your university is looking for in a research proposal. You should bear in mind that in most cases your initial proposal will in no way reflect the topic you will undertake in doing your Phd so don't worry about trying to finalise your research proposal at this stage. I assume you have a topic chosen and have done all your background reading and have now just to write your proposal. My proposal had to be 3,000 words and I broke it down into headings. As yours is only 2,000 words you may wish to use all or some of these depending on the nature of your proposal. My area of study is in the social sciences and the headings I used are as follows:

(1) Project Title; (2) Background & Context; (3) Review of Literature; (4) Research Aims & Objectives; (5) Overview of Objectives; (6) Research Structure; (7) Methodology; (8) Research Design & Questions; and (9) Significance of Study.

Hope this helps,

