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Hi there,

I'm seeking reassurance. And advice. I am currently doing my MA (3.5 months in). Presently, I am in the state of absolute panic, my topic is undefined (or feels it) and I am trying to complete a literature review. Following advice from the Postgraduate committee, I need to reframe my topic. That's all good but I seem to have reached an impasse where I cannot transcend above my panic. My review needs to be turned in in about three weeks and yet now I find that my initial research is unhelpful and I am floundering as to what I can do. The panic is so overwhelming that I cannot write or read and I really don't know who I can turn to for advice without appearing weak and needy. I am trying to maintain a professional appearence but that is floundering too.


Does anyone have any advice for Flounder77?

Try not to panic, hopefully someone will have some reassuring words for you soon.


Go to your supervisor would be my advice. You appear to be floundering due to uncertainty. Go see your sup, talk with him/her about your project and get some guidance from them. This is what they are paid to do after all :-)

As for dealing with the panic itself. Stop, slow down. Take a couple of hours to go for a walk or something or chat with friends. Come back to this project with a fresh outlook. Concentrate on what you CAN do, not what you may have done wrong.

Beyond that I am sorry to say humanities are outside of my field so I can't offer too much specific advice.


Flounder77, sorry to hear you're panicking. I hope things improve. Not sure of they'll help but there are a few things I find helpful.

I''m quite prone to panic at times I find that exercise really helps. Not only does it channel my anxiety into a positive direction, but getting out of the room and away from a computer really helps my thoughts flow.

Another thing that I find helps is to say what it is I'm investigating out loud. This process helps me to refine my topic/focus my ideas. It might help you to reframe your topic.

Otherwise I agree that you should go to your supervisor. I don't think you will appear weak and needy because seeking support when you need it is a strength of a good researcher :)


Thanks all for the advice. As much as I want to see my supervisor for advice, it's just not possible since I don't want to appear weak or incapable, especially when I need his reference.


That's fair enough Flounder :)

So do you need to do a whole new literature review, or can you use parts fof your initial research?
How many words will your review be overall?

Do you have any other MA students, or perhaps a welfare tutor you could see? (welfare tutors would normally keep the fact you've visted them confidential)


======= Date Modified 14 Jun 2012 09:05:27 =======

Quote From Flounder77:

Thanks all for the advice. As much as I want to see my supervisor for advice, it's just not possible since I don't want to appear weak or incapable, especially when I need his reference.

Getting guidance from senior people is not weak or incapable. Sure you might want to be selective about what you say or how you approach it, but avoiding the person whose job is to help you is not a sensible approach. Do you think he will give you a good reference if you've avoided consulting him about the direction of your project, or you do a less good job than you could have done with his help?

Recognising that there is an issue with a piece of work and seeking appropriate support to rectify the issue shows more maturity than running away from support. Problems with the lack of definition of your project might be easily resolved if you just chat to someone who understands these things and can help you see the wood for the trees. The kind of problems you describe are common in research, and are more easily solved by talking to someone than trying to tackle it alone.


First of all dont panic and calm down. Once you calm down you can think straight and half your problems are solved there. You can take advice from your seniors as they have been there and done that and will be able to guide you perfectly. You can ask them what can be done. Take a day off, get your thoughts in lace and then you will be in a position to perform better.