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What's everyone doing this weekend?


I'm going to see some friends in Brizzel - yay for a bit of drunken-ness! what are you guys doing?


Ok, oddly enough I live in Brizzle, so hope you have a good time. Sadly, I have more domestic type things to do such as decorating (I should really start preparing for my viva though!)


I'm off to London tomorrow, not as fun as it sounds...a week of macrofossils at UCL!


I'm spending my (birthday ) weekend preparing for a meeting. Not that I mind cos I've been upstaged by a one year old.


Happy Birthday juno (cake) x


Thanks insomniac


bf & I went out for diner on Fri night for our 3 year aniversary, last night my best mates 30th in a pub in borough market, it was a proper old school knees up with a cheesey disco ( the dj had traffic lights, smoke machine and kept speakng into his mike - Shabba!) then spent this morning at the flower market ( purchased quite randomly 3 lavender plats for £5 -simply because they were £5) & sat in a morrocan cafe in Brick lane contemplating why I do not normally drink sambuca shots i.e because they make me feel pooo. Spent this afternoon doing boring stuff like washing clothes....


Chores Sat morning, walk on beach in pm, watched lunar eclipse in evening. Today went for long bike ride in the rain and got soaked then down the local pub for a family meal


Pea - Nice!


fifi_fole, I'm at UCL, will look for you - haha! I went to a beer festival this weekend, in Ely (near cambridge) was held in village community centre, made me miss country life a lot!


Bugger, I missed the eclipse! Was it good?


the eclipse was really good. The sky was really clear which makes a change!