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Anyone like football?


Did you see that disgraceful tackle by ben thatcher last night? I am so disgusted by it.




watching it : nope

playing it : only non-competetive, with choosing teams according to what you are wearing & being allowed to change teams at any given time.


Do that on a street and you'd get 6 months for ABH.


Yeah... that guy is a mentalist.


Yes I was watching. I think he should be given a life ban from football. I know its a contact sport but it was horrific. I would prefer to see players diving (& that really gets to me!!!) than tackles like that.


If he's lucky the FA will deal with it. If he's unlucky the Police/CPS will get involved. A life ban is not a starter but 3/5 games may be.


he has been fined 24k (about two weeks wages) and may face a lengthly ban. Current football legislation doesnt allow punishment to be imposed retrospectively if the referee takes action at the time. althought he FA are looking at making an exception, also Greater manchester police are investigating ftetr complaints and will be liasing with pedro mendes and the football teams.