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Has anyone else cried in front of their supervisors? I was hoping to avoid it (for 3 whole years!) but today it happened.

After 16 months I've managed to avoid it but have come close on a couple of occasions, I think my sup noticed (she's a former nurse and very empathetic) but didn't say anything!
Other PhD-ers in the office have mentioned that they've cried.

I'm guessing (from your username as well!) that you're feeling pretty burnt out - sorry that this is happening, is there anything we as a forum can help with? x


I haven't done but I have been about to do so several times. The first time I met my supervisor after the r&r verdict I nearly passed out... and I nearly cried of course.


Yes Have done it! Never wanted to ...but :( *Tough Life*


Nope, but then I haven't cried for almost 10 years so if I had then we could safely assume that something truly awful had happened (last time I cried was because my dog died!)


Never, but there were lots of times I really wanted to. I often cried after meetings with them, or sometimes just reading emails they sent me made me a bit teary!! (yes, I am probably a bit too over-sensitive!!) Sometimes it's just really heartbreaking to have them destroy a piece of work that took you hours, and I think they were mostly tears of sheer frustration. Bet it happens more often than you'd think, so don't feel too bad about it. At least it shows a bit of passion for your subject ;-)


Thanks for all your replies! It's reassuring to hear others feel the same way sometimes.


It was the opposite for me. I would walk into her office close to tears, and leave with an adrenaline rush.


Dalmation - sounds like an excellent supervisor!


I think so too. The ability to bring out the best in people is a gift.


ran out of lab meeting in floods of tears about a month ago... :(


Hell yes! You're not alone!


Oh yes - I have done this many times in my MS time and I've come close several times during my 2 years so far for my PhD. I think they are mostly tears of frustration that something isn't going the way I want/expect but sometimes it's tears of other stuff (sadness, failure, whatever).

My three tips - 1, bring water with you to any meeting - you can sip and get a break before you bawl. 2, bring tissues with you, just use them discretely as needed. 3, look at the ceiling, floor, wall, whatever to get away from the piercing eyes (I find the ceiling best, as tilting my head up reduces tears falling out).

I find it makes most supervisors uncomfortable, so I often apologize as soon as it starts and ask if I can meet again later after I regroup. I also let them know it's not THEM, but its the derailing of the plan/whatever...

But yeah, people reach a breaking point and then crack and research can trigger that very quickly, just move on from it.