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Employment Status


Can anyone tell me what my offical employment status as a phd student is? Am I still in full-time education as a student, with access to student discounts and the like? Or employed as a researcher? I need clarification for applying to various things, including car insurance.


for council tax and young persons rail tickets I was a student.

For other things I was a researcher :p

But I think officially its student.


You're not employed because student funding is almost always tax exempt, whereas if you were an employee you would be paying tax.

You are a student. Full-time by the sounds of it.

Postgraduate student. But still a student.


You are a student and a researcher (at my Uni I also have a student AND staff card), just choose whichever is the best. If you get a discount use your staff card. but if someone asks (especially in relation to accomodation) you are a researcher.


I put postgraduate student for my car insurance. I didn't want them to come up with any excuse not to pay out if I needed them too!


I go with researcher and student, depends whom I'm talking to.


======= Date Modified 08 Aug 2011 16:32:40 =======

Quote From Ailicec:

If you get a discount use your staff card.

What staff card? I always had a (postgraduate) student card. Which could be used for student discounts.

I only got a staff card when I was actually staff i.e. working separately as an employed/paid research assistant, or some such.