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Font for conference poster


Just a quick question about fonts for a conference poster... One of my supervisors has suggested Comic Sans, but I'm not so sure, I worry it looks a bit too 'wishy-washy'. Any thoughs or suggestions?

calibri? Tahoma?

I'd say comic sans is a bit too 'I'm a quirky researcher, look I'm so whacky", or "I didn't realise how important this conference was"


I agree. I had it in Calibri originally, might change it back! :-)


NEVER use Comic Sans (unless you are working at a infant/junior school). What is on the poster? Are you looking for a font for a main tag-line or is there a block of text/info?


It's a number of text boxes and two images. I have changed it all back to Calibri now, looks much better in my opinion. :-)


Century Gothic is always my favourite


I'm in shock that a supervisor suggested using Comic Sans!!


I 'm not sure about comic sans. It would definitely stand out, but agree on the wishy-washy-ness of it.
I'm a big fan of calibri but it does seem to be used a lot.


Book Antiqua tends to be my font of choice.

I agree with JenJen re. your sup suggesting Comic Sans. How bizarre - have they not seen this: ?


I've gone with Calibri in the end. :-) Looked fine - though my poster was smaller than all the others (A1). Some of the posters didn't even fit properly on the boards!

I've just come across a whole thesis in Comic Sans. :-)


I think Universities should have the right to fire anyone who suggests, let alone uses, Comic Sans as a suitable font :-s