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How often do PhD resubmissions fail ??


Very anxious awaiting after a few months now the outcome of a PhD resubmission.

People keep reassuring me that after all this it will not fail, and the examiners want to pass students - and that if the list of corrections is ticked then the PhD will be awarded.

But I keep having nightmares of receiving a letter and seeing in black and white the caption ''We are very sorry to inform you that .. ''

My supervisor says I should not consider failure as if it were the case then I would have been failed at the Viva.

But nothing is calming my nerves anymore - please share experiences if you have been through this! Much appreciated!! Thank you!!


Hi Beth, I read somewhere that the vast majority of people obtain their PhDs after a resubmission.

I read your post last night before I went to bed and ended up having nightmares about receiving the same sort of letter from my university! I think your supervisors are right, they could have failed you at the viva, but they saw merit enough in your work to award you with a PhD subject to meeting their corrections etc. Examiners want us to pass!

I have until August before I need to submit my thesis again, but I just wanted to wish you the best of luck.


If you have done what the examiners have asked you to do the chances of failing your PhD are extremely slim. Your supervisor is right by the way. I don't think that they would ever let you re-submit if they were not sure you would make it.


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