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I got it!


I cannot believe it!!! I think that I need to drink something strong.
I got the full AHRC award!!!
I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the big envelope in the letter box this morning.
No one is around campus today, but I needed to tell someone. Anyone else got the great news today?


Yeah! Congratulations!!! No great news for me yet today, but waiting on referee comments back for a post-doc proposal... so fingers crossed. To be honest, at the moment I'm happy if I can just be productive


Oh well done Corinne, fantastic news


Congratulations! I heard positively from the AHRC last week, so I know how elated you must be too! And after those previous meagre rejection lettters - the big substantial envelope with the booklet inside felt so amazing!

Yay to you!


Thanks to you all. I still feel like I have just come back from a trip to the moon. I think that it will take a few days to get used to the idea. I got so many rejections in the past, that I cannot believe it. I am afraid that I am going to wake up tomorrow and find out it was a dream, or indeed a mistake!
Good Luck everyone for current and future applications and thanks again for your nice words!






Thanks Verdy & Jojo. It's great to be able to share this with so many nice people. We all go through this process of effort, expectation and either elation or disappointment every time that we apply for funding. I didn't want to apply this time around, as I was convinced that I was going to get another rejection. Well, I was wrong.
So I would like to encourage everyone, Pinkneuron in particular - because I feel very close to her - not to surrender. Sooner or later your hard work and perseverance will pay off, be sure of this. It's not unusual at all to get an award in your 2nd or even 3rd year. So do try again!


Brilliant news, well done.


Thanks Corinne, I really needed to hear this today
It's funny, in reality, I should feel down when everyone else gets funding but it actually makes me more excited to push forward and know that one day, I will also be posting here about my funding
Nope, I am not going to give up, I have too many little and big people here at home cheering me on and all of you as well.
Thank you


Adding to the positive news: I got a letter yesterday saying that I have been awarded additional funding for 3 more months of PhD:)) Very good news as my scholarship was about to run out:)


Well done Verdy!


well done, Corinne! I'm really happy for you! That's marvellous!!!


Great News Verdy


Verdy, what is your funding body? Did you put forward a request to renew it? What if the funding org has said "it is tenable for three years", if I wouldn't finish it on time, could I ask them to stump up more?