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Is a pass with major corrections really a pass?



I had my PhD viva yesterday and was told the outcome would be pass with major corrections. The correction they want is an additional chapter describing the practical applications of the research. I have a clear idea of how to write this but I'm worried about what happens afterwards. Is it common for a pass with major corrections to become, basically, an R&R because the examiners don't approve the corrections? I know it's a theoretical possibility but is it likely? I'm swinging between relief at the outcome - I was scared I would fail outright or get R&R - and thinking it's too early to feel relieved. Does it mean anything that the form will say I've passed?


Don't panic. It's a pass with major corrections. It is not an R&R. Talk to your supervisor and confirm that what you are doing is right, or double check with your examiners. Congrats!


Thanks a lot, marasp. I still haven't got the examiners' report, so I'm not 100% sure what corrections I need to make, but I suppose I'm just paranoid about celebrating too early in case it goes wrong later. The viva was generally quite positive but I got the sense they liked my argument a lot more than the actual text of the thesis and I don't know if they'll like my writing better at corrections stage.


Gwen86, it is a pass. I got this too and got it all done and dusted and approved within 2 months. I had been given 6 months. I got the reports within a day and worked flat out. However, I do feel like the examiners stole my moment from me. Stole my day in the sun and it felt like a consolation prize getting it two months later so i understand about not wanting to celebrate too soon. It doesn't feel like it's over when you get majors because it isn't really. It's really over when you get that piece of paper that says you have it after corrections have been approved. I was also sick worrying that the examiners wouldn't approve the corrections and it'd suddenly become an R&R and another viva but I just followed their very vague comments as closely as I could and thankfully it was approved. I was told by my supervisor that it's very unlikely that once you pass with majors that you'll be given more corrections. Wishing you the best with this.


Thank you, JStanley, your story is very reassuring -- I hope I can follow your example (once I get the report) and finish up quickly. I submitted my thesis in a rush, having run out of time before the deadline and not wanting to ask for an extension, so I feel like my examiners made a fair decision in giving me major corrections and I don't blame them at all. I'm just anxious about celebrating too early and then not getting the degree in the end. I do feel sad that I let myself down at the last hurdle, having rushed the actual writing after putting so much effort into the research, but that's not my examiners' fault.

Major corrections? Had to advise on substantive corrections for 18 (that is eighteen) months! That was a pass. Yours is the norm for many. Worry not. Keep your supervisor close during the work.