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Last few days of viva prep


======= Date Modified 07 Jun 2011 11:38:35 =======
Well, I've got just over 3 days worth of viva prep before by exam on Friday.

I feel physically sick, tired, drained and numb, but I also feel relieved this viva will be over and done with soon enough. Yesterday I kept shaking with nerves everytime I thought about the exam, but today, I'm feeling relatively calm.

Instead of thinking about failing (which still enters in my head every 10 minutes or so), I'm trying to shift my thinking towards more proactive and positive thoughts......I'm trying my best to convince my examiners that my work is worthy of a resubmissionfor a PhD. I've created the following documents in prep for this viva. I'm still working through some of it, but I want to finish most of it by this evening to allow for a few days complete thesis read through. What do you think?

1) Pre viva corrections- list of errors throughout. This is a rather large document!- page numbers, proposed correction and error presented in table form.
2) Additional studies- I failed to include in my submitted draft
3) Viva questions- 60 odd viva questions to work through and practice answering
4) Summarising thesis- coming up with justifications for decisions I've made along the way
5) 2 A4 summaries of ideas on how to restructure and reduce my literature review chapters.
6) Thesis strengths and contributions. This document is helping me remain positive.

Sadly my supervisors will not be around for my viva, so I will be alone when they announce their verdict. But based on the above, my male supervisors thinks I'm prepared for this viva(although I know I've still got a long way to go!). My thesis is a mission to read- especially as it's so long and in parts and difficult to follow! I think my examiners probably want to throw this monster out of their windows! I cringe every time I see an error. I think the big task is being able to summarise everything and get to the point and overall objective of my work.

I'm hoping and praying they can see the potential in my work and allow me to resubmit. Time will tell I guess and I'll find out soon enough.


Be positive Pineapple29. Wish you good luck for the viva and look forward to hear from you soon !


Good Luck Pineapple! You are doing all the right things, and if it can be of any consolation, I am terrified too and I still have almost two months to go before my viva.
I think that it is better not to have supervisors around on the day. My sup has never been supportive and showed little interest along the way, so why would I want him around for the viva?
It is important that you keep calm and remember all the positive things that you have posted here. You have all the right cards, you only need to play them as best as you can on the day.;-)


Hi Pineapple29. I've been following your posts closely lately. Mainly cos I'm in the same boat. I also happen to have my viva this Friday & I'm so anxious about it I jus can't wait to get it done & over with. My prep has been haphazard, I'm juggling a full-time job that I started jus before submission. I've had to relocate to take up the job as well! I've only taken Thursday & Friday off to travel back to uni & calm my nerves (if its at all possible!) before the grill.
So, I'm totally with you & do wish you all the best. Let us know how it goes. Good luck


Good luck, let us know how it goes!


Good few vivas approaching so will be following everyone's progress. Best of luck Pineapple, you can do it (up)


Thanks everyone. Trying to stay positive!! Difficult though as my supervisors have just warned me to expect a particularly brutal viva on Friday :$ and a strong possibility of an MPhil if I'm not clear of my research objectives. Nice ay!

I submitted my thesis 9 months ago- all in all an agonisingly wait. I hate my life sometimes! My urge to quit is especially strong today (due to sups negativity today), so I'm mostly concentrating on my thesis strengths this morning, but I'll be reading and refreshing literature surrounding my thesis and continuing preparing answers to potential viva questions this afternoon.

Then tomorrow, it's a short trip to my uni and staying at a nearby hotel for Thursday night. Two more sleeps, then it's all over (well for viva anyway!)

I feel so deflated, tired with a strong sense of nausea. What will be will be.....


It sounds like ur preparation has been thorough. You will be pleasantly surprised with the outcome come Friday. Don't be too hard on yourself, you will do it... your examiners won't know whats hit them. Good luck(up)


Quote From Pineapple29:

Thanks everyone. Trying to stay positive!! Difficult though as my supervisors have just warned me to expect a particularly brutal viva on Friday :$ and a strong possibility of an MPhil if I'm not clear of my research objectives. Nice ay!

I submitted my thesis 9 months ago- all in all an agonisingly wait. I hate my life sometimes! My urge to quit is especially strong today (due to sups negativity today), so I'm mostly concentrating on my thesis strengths this morning, but I'll be reading and refreshing literature surrounding my thesis and continuing preparing answers to potential viva questions this afternoon.

Then tomorrow, it's a short trip to my uni and staying at a nearby hotel for Thursday night. Two more sleeps, then it's all over (well for viva anyway!)

I feel so deflated, tired with a strong sense of nausea. What will be will be.....

Hi Pineapple,

do not give up now! You can do it! I think you have done your preparation, you cannot change a lot on that anymore. I think it is important that you are fit on Friday, as such I would not do too much preparation anymore. Try get some rest!

As indicated you will do fine!


======= Date Modified 08 Jun 2011 21:03:12 =======
Thanks everyone. I still think it's probably borderline, but I'm focusing my energies on delivering a strong defence. My examiners make the final decision on my final result (not me or my supervisors!) so there's no point worrying about the final outcome.

In terms of the pro list ie qualities worthy of a PhD, drawing from the PhD criteria on the 'find a PhD' website, my thesis includes.......

a) Contribution of something new (the 'significant contribution to knowledge')
b)  Situation in existing knowledge: a critical review of prior research which motivates and justifies the research question- I've tried to summarise the errors of previous studies, by placing particular attention to methodological, geographical and statistical analysis flaws. But I know my thesis is not as evaluative as it could be.

Furthermore, my contributions include the following............

i)  Drawing together two or more existing ideas and showing that the combination reveals something new and useful
ii)  Implementation of theoretical principle: showing how it can be applied in practice; making concrete someone else's idea, and hence showing how it works in practice and what its limitations are
iii)  Empirically-based characterization of a phenomenon of interest (e.g. detailed, critical, analytic account of the evolution of an idea; detailed ana­lytic characterization of a crucial case study or a novel chemical compound, or a new planet)
iv) Providing a taxonomy of observed phenomena

But because of the length and errors contained within my thesis, I know my thesis lacks in some respects with the following qualities....(which are important for a 'satisfactory thesis'),
   * A thesis: one coherent over-riding 'story' or argument that embodies a research insight
    * Appropriate voice and argument: the provision of clear and explicit evidence, substantiation and chain of inference

In the viva, I suspect I'm going to be grilled on the above two points by describing the story verbally.

Anyway, I'll find out soon enough I guess!

Best of luck to everyone in the same boat as me! I really hope we can all post successful stories soon!!



Hi Pineapple, I am still working tonight on reviewing my thesis for my viva, although I have four weeks left.  What a laborious task re-reading your own work again! It is a much more critical eye post submission and we can all find issues with our own work.  I am sure you will be your biggest critic because you know the work better than anyone else. Enjoy your hotel stay and try to relax (I am planning a trip to the treadmill, pool, sauna and jacuzzi for mine lol).  You will do your best I am sure, but just remember the decision is already made prior to walking into the exam room. Good luck with your viva .(up)


Good luck!


I'm just going to have to wait and see. All I can do now is just concentrate on a strong defence, acknowledge my shortcomings and hope and pray they let me resubmit for a PhD. I don't intend to do much prep tomorrow, other than reading through my thesis, my justifications, practice my viva questions and a little more reading.

I still think an MPhil is a very strong possiblity, but it's not the end of the world if that's the final outcome.

Anyway bye for now postgraduate forum. Hopefully next time I visit this site, I'll have something positive to say on Friday afternoon.

Thanks for the best wishes and good luck vibes people. I really appreciate it.


good luck Pineapple (and Sozaboy) - thinking of you Friday and willing lots of postive vibes your way :-)


Loads of luck Pineapple- really hoping for some good news from you on Friday. Your supervisors are not your examiners so go in there and wow the ones that matter! Best, KB