Signup date: 26 Mar 2008 at 4:26pm
Last login: 17 Mar 2010 at 9:00pm
Post count: 274
The counselling is a really good idea - if the forum is your main outlet for all this, that's pretty hard. We are all here to support you, but sometimes a real human being might give you an extra type of support (but that doesn't mean you should leave the forum!). And crying is what counsellors are for...they do special training modules in it You've taken on a big task, but you have achieved so much along your phd already and you can do this last bit. Being emotional is just part of dealing with all this stress (someone else said that much better!), it's not a reflection of anything you're doing wrong. Try to get a little space from this, and some rest, then come back with that positive spirit and determination you've shown so much of recently.
As the last post said, you need to put all the crap from the past behind you and try not to let it get you wound up - you have enough other stress which is more current! These are the things you can put your energy into now to change.
You've been so determined in your previous posts. This is what you need to communicate to your supervisor. Maybe you need to write a sup email to arrange the meeting, then when the date is set, follow up with your plan by email for them to see before the meeting - as he requested. Don't forget to give the email a few hours in between writing and sending to check it with a fresh outlook!
Hey Lara, so sorry to hear what a rubbish day you've had, but glad to see you're still here and being supported by everyone. I hope you're getting a few hours space from this, ideally with some company.
You've made loads of progress over these last few weeks and have been very proactive and positive about achieving the last milestones after a long and difficult sounding journey. Remember that!
I may echo a few of the points that have already been made, but here's my advice.
You're sup doesn't seem to say that he won't meet you, only that he is busy this week. In your reply you should ask him for his next available meeting is after the grant is done. You may have to wait until next week, but that may be the way it has to be. Keep the exam form people up to date with what is happening - I think you already spoke to them. I'm sure you're not the first student to have a sup who is a little slow to arrange meetings!
Hey Jojo,
Sorry to hear about your friends bringing you down...that guy sounds like a right muppet! A few weeks ago a friend asked me how things were going and I gave an honest answer that I was having a few problems. The response was "well you chose to do a phd so deal with it". Funnily I haven't phoned her since then! Phd seems to show who the friends you can rely on are, and who is just around for the good times. Equally it shows the positives of the good friends, which is far more important.
Hope the library is giving you the answers you need today...good lluck
Hey Lara,
just been catching up on your posts, have been a bit less laptop-connected since the marathon sesssion last sunday night. Trying to get back into writing now after getting some's making my brain creak.
Sounds like you've made some good progress, and have a good plan for the upcoming days. Don't let the fear of the sup meeting cloud your work too much (easier said than done, I know, it's not a skill I am very good at).
How is the spider coming along? I'm a big fan of flipchart paper, felt tip pens and postit notes (with a rainbow of colours) for planning. And taking over the dining table. And I have coloured paper when I'm doing summaries or lists...or just want a change! I'm sure this says a lot about me!
Good luck!
Morning all...yuck...I am too old for all-nighters!
Well done Chris and tetrisfiend...all sounding like good progress.
I am still scrabbling away, trying to bring ideas together and write an extra section...blahblahblah. Getting the munchies...maybe it's ice cream time...
There are less dots in my proper writing. I think...
Thanks Lara...6762 long did that editting take? It's nearly midnight! Cup of tea, brain rest on the internet (maybe some tetris ) then back to it.
I think we'd all be a bit strange (stranger?) if we didn't get a bit sick of this experience now and then...therefore...I shows we're all normal! What a relief!
Keep plodding on...the light at the end of the tunnel is still there (it's not gone out yet, as a friend kindly pointed out to me a while ago!).
Hey BB,
I've heard similar things of master doc - that it requires some level of genius to operate, but at the same time it is a life saver...I am hoping I have long enough to work it out without getting a sideline phd in IT.
Lara, a bit of time off is probably very important in your schedule...I've been working every day for a while and am definitely losing productivity. someone has said before that your time off is very important, so don't worry too much!
I hear you tetrisfiend...have spent the last 2 UK may bank hols home alone And yes, the agrophobia is coming along nicely!
I'm just having a treat of listening to some tunes whilst doing corrections and the inevitable figure-fixing. Then I have to write the extra section I dreamed up last night...
Happy working everyone...
Evening all, I'm here too...I have a monday deadline, just finished 7500 words which need some major editting (always takes longer to do than I expect) and then write a conclusion which needs to explain the entire universe. Or at least it feels that way
This is the biggest social gathering I've attended for a while! How very sad!
My day has been ok. I am trying to get a big document of scrappy notes and thoughts into a decent draft. Very slow to start with but improved and now have 1800 (hopefully) ok words.
Off to have food and get my BGT fix. Hopefully recharge my brain for a few more words before sleep. Note to self...don't open the red wine.
How was/is your friday?
Ug, all that formatting stuff is so time is sort of procrastinating, but it is also necessary! Are you using master document in word to process your contents table etc? I haven't started using it but will do when I am at the writing up stage. I also have to start using endnote...there's a long to do list.
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