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Things I love about doing a PhD.

The best thing is being able to organise my time and work when my brain's fresh and chillax when it's not! Also I love having access to wonderful libraries and being able read up on any subject I'm interested in, whenever I want, whether it's to do with my PhD or not.

how many of us are self-funded?

I'm self-funded. I applied for funding more than once and was turned down, but being in the arts and humanities I knew that would be a longshot, so I saved like mad and am borrowing the rest from family. After two years in the 'real' world, working full time among people who didn't share my values or interests and kept asking when I was going to have kiddies (ARGHHH!), I know this is the right thing despite the bad times. I identify a lot with how Rubyw expressed it.

Woe, or, usually I am not this unhappy.

Earplugs are essential in the case of noisy flatmates! I like the spongy ones from Superdrug that mold to your inner ear. Can't hear a thing and can work/read for hours in peace :) When I'm generally feeling overwhelmed I write lists of the things I have to do, breaking it down into manageable tasks, and tick them off as I do them. This is a cunning psychological trick - problems never seem so bad once they're on paper. Repeat the mantra: just because you haven't done everything yet, doesn't mean you've done nothing.

I second the laptop-on-credit suggestion, or get one as cheaply as you can with memory sticks.

Holiday, anyone? [filling to comply with the rules of the forum which require more than three but less than 25 words in the Topic Title

I had an amazing few nights in Paris a couple of weeks ago. Sups had no idea and probably wouldn't care anyway.

how do you know if you really want your PhD???

Smilodon, yes that IS more or less what it's like being a novelist, but writers thrive on the highs and just shove past the lows! I try to transfer that ethic to my PhD work as well and so far it's worked. There are dark times, indeed, but I get through them because I know they won't last.

Besides that, both as a writer and a student I always make sure to network, network, network and enjoy doing it - easy with other writers and the nicer, less competetive academics - and remember why I love my work and why it will pay off. I also socialise as much as I can and NEVER feel guilty about it. That's essential to survival no matter what you do!

Writers' Groups =)

Creative communities of any kind are essential to survival, I think! I'm glad you're feeling happier having found yours, Olivia! I'm about to attend my first writers' conference and have bagged an appointment to pitch my novel to an editor from one of the world's biggest publishing houses, so I'm on cloud nine. Nothing, not even PhD turmoil, can put me in a bad mood now =)

weight gain :(

I really struggle with finding time for exercise and staying off the unhealthy food when I'm stressed with work. But one high-impact workout a week is better than nothing. I also write strict shopping lists full of healthy food and 'graze' on it little and often through the day (instead of eating big meals) to keep my weight down when I can't exercise often.

What an unfriendly place this forum has become

Genuine PhD-dom isn't all misery, bitterness, sarcasm and unpleasantless. At least not in my department.

All I'm saying is that I've been pleasantly surprised lately to see a few posters actually responding tactfully to the sillier questions instead of tearing people down. I mostly ignore those threads myself. If you've got nothing nice to say etc...

I'm utterly skint!

Shani, your post made me giggle because I did the exact same thing when I was a poor MA student, then I started working full time and realised I didn't even like buying things all that much! All the fun was in the looking and anticipation.

presenting at conferences

Practice in front of a mirror too. It works for me, weird as it sounds! Also, try to see the room beforehand if you can and get a feel for it.

What an unfriendly place this forum has become

Without being overly catty myself...I think the 'hardcore' of posters are very thoughtless and quite sad. We all remember the time when we didn't have a clue where to start. I cringe when I think of the questions I asked people in the beginning!

The more insecure members of these boards need to stop taking joy in tearing other people down, I say, and show they've got better things to do.

My Phd Blog

WORD, Jayney.

Horrendous Austrian father

Shani, I totally agree. All the moral outrage over this makes my blood boil nearly as much as the crimes themselves, because it's coming from the same people who turn a blind eye when women are psychologically and physically abused by their partners. Is this really surprising? :(

What do you prefer to be called?

I call myself a research student or just PhD student. I feel like I should take a stand for 'students' everywhere and show that we aren't work-shy louts (I work harder now than I have in ANY job) by being proud of the word!

Have you done a MA was it worth it?

Yes, and absolutely yes...I'm in the arts and humanities and wouldn't have known where to start PhD wise without doing an MA first.