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Graduated but cannot find postdoc/job

Thanks for your reply. I will have a read of that thread.

Graduated but cannot find postdoc/job

Apologies in advance for the whiny tone of this post and I appreciate that many others are in a similar situation, however I feel like getting it off my chest.

I completed my PhD at the end of last year and have been unable to obtain even a single interview for a post-doc despite applying for several positions every week. Having seen the criteria for these positions I'm convinced that my lack of publications is to blame for this. I have been trying to publish my work for approximately two years now but have faced nothing but rejections (often after making substantial changes to my papers). I have also recently seen papers published that have done very similar research to my own, but better and I have had referees use this as an excuse to reject my work. In addition to my post-doc problems have been told that I may be getting rejected for other jobs for being over-qualified. A Catch-22 situation...

I appreciate that the jobs-market is particularly difficult right now, but wondered if anyone has any advice on obtaining a post-doc or a job after their PhD.