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philosophy MA (jobs)

Thanks sooo much! I no longer have any doubts! Philosophy MA here I come!

philosophy MA (jobs)

Hi, I am considering doing a masters in Philosophy and was wondering if any one else is studying for it now or plans to? If so what do you hope to achieve by the end of it, for e.g. will it help you get a certain job?

I really love philosophy and i want to continue studying it. I'm just worried that if I don't get funding for my Phd, what other doors will be open for me with a masters degree in Philosophy.



part time job

Hi, I am going to Leeds University in September to do my masters in Philosophy and as I was not successful in my funding application my parents have agreed to help me. Money will still be tight, however, and was wondering if I should get a job for 6 hrs or so a week? Does this sound like a good idea or do you think it will effect my studies?

Also, how would i go about trying to get a job for only a few hrs a week??



Applying for Funding

Hello, I am about to start my masters in Philosophy at the University of Leeds, England, and would like some advice on funding applications for my Phd (hopefully if all goes well).

I applied for funding for my masters but was not successful. I am told that it is based entirely on academic merit. What sort of things could I talk about in my application and what could i do between now and then to make sure I have a good chance?

I got a First Class BA honours degree, so I can talk about that, and perhaps how i've been getting on with my masters. But what else?? I need to stick out but I don't lol.

