Do you suggest reviewers?


Just wondered, do you tend to suggest reviewers when submitting a paper for publication?

I've never done it before, and have had good reviewers regardless (offering relevant and useful feedback on my work)... This time I am considering suggesting two whose work I have become familiar with and feel is relevant to my own. Just not sure whether to bother!


I had to suggest two to three potential reviewers on each of my publications.
The editor can pick one or ignore all of them and choose his own.

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I also had to suggest reviewers for my papers. I usually submit people in my area who I am friendly with or have non-contradictory opinions to me. Reportedly editors will only use one if any of your suggested reviewers, so you can't completely game the system.


Ah I didn't realise they could only choose one. That's helpful to know! I didn't want to feel like I had sealed my own fate if they were all horrible!


I understand your fear. Researcher seem nice when you read their research but could be horrible for judging other research. One tip regardless of you suggest reviewers or not, do not cite a paper to only criticise it. Try to cite them in a positive way even if you do not agree with it.


Thank you! I decided against doing it, as the editor happens to be in my specific area, though the journal has broader scope, so they can choose the reviewers! Here's to not sealing my own fate :)