Side effect of writing up?


I'm interested to know about any side effects people are experiencing through the writing up process. Some of mine:

Chronic procrastination, including:
constant web-surfing,
compulsive e-mail checking
Addiction to surfing for blogs about writing up phds

Cravings for junk food
Extremely messy flat
Telling friends I can't see them because I have to work
Desire/ mourning for social life


Forgot to add coffee drinking!


Don't forget to add:

lack of sleep
screwed up body clock (the 'living dead' feeling)


I get those generally, and I'm not even a PhD student


i am reading gossip mags... i know all about brad and angelina and chantell and preston. I wish i had to write my lit review on the lives of the rich and famous...


what about obsessive cleaning - my favourite story is from a qualitative research book where the author describes how she found herself cleaning the grout between the her bathroom tiles with bleach and a tooth brush .. hahaha


I did the cleaning thing yesterday with a toothbrush and Mr. Muscle.
