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Confused Australian - need info on PhD in UK

Ok, this might get a bit complicated:

I am interested in studying in England. I am Australian, but I have an EU passport so if I studied I would considered under EU conditions.

I have just completed my Bachelor of Biomedical Science. It seems to me that in England you can complete your Bachelor degree with Honours, but here in Australia you have to do a separate 1 year research degree after your Bachelor to get this. Then you become eligible for a PhD, providing you did well enough.

What I want to know is, if I complete my Honours, will I be able to go into a PhD course in England? I'm confused, because from what it seems in England you complete your Bachelor WITH Honours, and then you do your Masters and then your PhD. But in Australia you do your Bachelor and Honours separate, and then go straight to PhD - you only do Masters if you did terribly in your Honours and need to better your mark to get accepted into PhD.

As if this wasn't long enough - if I didn't do my Honours here and went straight to UK with just my Bachelor in Biomedical Science, what options would I have? What study could/would I undertake to get to PhD?

Thank you so much if you read this and help me understand!