Overview of jimkayalar

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Swiss management center

This is my follow up posting to the SMC DBA program. I have now started course of 7 of 8 and can say that I am overwhelmingly satisfied with my SMC experience. Distance learning differs from class room learning and the SMC have adapted the context of their courses that allows for a good learning experience. I have also published two cases “Wujiang Motor Company, China” and “The Generics Pharmacy, Philippines” during the last year. The SMC have also launched a number of higher education programs this year. This institution is growing fast!

Swiss management center

Great posting. I did my own due diligence and contacted Swiss Management Center University regarding their accreditation. They are accredited both in Europe and in the USA.
I have just commenced my DBA studies and find the Professors knowledgeable and the course content challenging.
Please google "Jim Kayalar" and you will come across my numerous publications and case studies published by Harvard Business Review, Ivey Publishing Canada, CCMP Publishing France etc...
I chose to study at SMC because they are accredited, they give you great value for your investment and you may use your degree to teach in the US.
Please visit my website at www.biztuneup.biz if you have further questions.