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How do you convert word file to a PDF?

Qiqqa (http://www.qiqqa.com) has a Word to PDF convertor on the Start Page/Tools menu.

PDF files - Alternatives to Adobe?

Give Qiqqa (pronounced "quicker") a try. It's free! It is Windows and Android tablet software that allows you to full text search your PDFs, annotate and highlight them, and then summarise your annotations in a single annotations report. It also finds the themes across your PDFs and allows you to explore these themes visually in a brainstorm. Qiqqa automates writing up your bibliography in Word in over 2000 journal styles. It even suggests what you might want to be citing as you type. http://www.qiqqa.com

How much paperwork have you amassed?

If you are doing a PhD that doesn't have its articles in journal form but instead you have to photocopy books, etc, then you might want to check if your library photocopy machine can "photocopy to PDF". This then creates PDFs that have images in them. You can then use Qiqqa (pronounced "quicker" and available at www.qiqqa.com) to organise these PDFs with tags and annotations. The best part is that Qiqqa will run OCR (optical character recognition) on your PDFs so that you are able to search the full text for information (be sure to look for the "approximate search" settings in the search box.

Using software like Qiqqa means you won't end up with a digs room looking like a recycling plant with all your annotations buried somewhere inside. :-)

Sotware for searching pdfs

Give Qiqqa (pronounced "quicker") a try. It is Windows software that allows you to full text search your PDFs, annotate and highlight them, and then summarise your annotations in a single annotations report. It also finds the themes across your PDFs and allows you to explore these themes visually in a brainstorm. Qiqqa automates writing up your bibliography in Word in over 2000 journal styles. It even suggests what you might want to be citing as you type. www.qiqqa.com