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Postponed viva

Thanks to all for the helpful comments - its nice to feel like I'm not being totally irrational! Its just a setback, I feel like I've got a bit of perspective now (although still fleeting feel gutted and annoyed!).

I have a potential new viva date (middle of May) which isn't too far away thankfully. Same examiners. Unfortunately it is the day we are booked to go on holiday (was planned to be the post viva / post corrections / its all over trip). Hopefully I'll get it over with early in the day and can follow my family down to catch up in the evening (hopefully with some good news!).

I'm now on my week off, I'm being productive and using the time to write a couple of conference presentations and a paper that was going to come after the viva. You are right Ian, I do feel like regaining a little bit of control has helped - maybe the extra time to prepare will be a blessing. Having the conference two weeks pre viva now will help me get in the swing of discussing the work. I suspect one of the examiners will be there too, might help.

It's not the end of the world....."setback is a set up for a comeback", I love this!

Postponed viva

I have been a bit of a lurker on here on and off during my research journey....I'm feeling in need of a bit of moral support - none of my friends and family seem to understand!

I submitted my thesis in mid December and finally had a viva date by the end of January. It was due to be today.

I was emailed on Friday at 5pm by the chair to say that the external examiner had to cancel because of a sick relative. I was all geared up for it, had spent weeks preparing each night and weekend in the library (I work full time and have a small toddler competing for my attentions).

I know that it couldn't be helped and that I should just wait patiently for a new date but I feel totally crushed! I was so close and now feel like I'm so far. It's been long journey for me, I have been working full time since before I started writing up and it has been a real challenge. i should be in the pub tonight, I have annual leave arranged next week which should have been for corrections and I doubt I'll get to graduate in the summer now (all were hypothetical of course but I have to plan ahead carefully with work and my parenting responsibilities in mind)

I'm just ranting really.....no one I have spoken to about it really appreciates why I feel so disheartened. I need to get over it!