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Is my topic for the research proposal good?

Quote From MFP:
Thank you so much for taking the time out for such a detailed review. Its quite insightful.
When I started writing the proposal I think I realised some of the points you mentioned.
I than changed the research question to this:
“Does YouTube advertising have an impact on the buying behaviour of Indian Youtube viewers?”
I plan to get answers through an online questionnaire and than tabulate that information on the basis of demographic characteristics like age , education, gender etc
Further if possible and feasible I plan on preparing a questionnaire for few Indian YouTube creators asking them regarding the factors they consider before putting an ad on their channel (along with the monetary returns)
I really don’t know much about research problems, topics and all. I have no one to guide me though :(
But I thought this would be good topic since India has the highest number of youtube viewers and creators. Also YouTube advertising is becoming quite a THING lately.
And trust me when I say this Indians are quite into YouTube as well..!
I would really appreciate if you would provide a reply to this as well at your convenience.
Thankyou once again:)

Thank you for the info. I will surely keep those thing in my mind :)