Overview of miaow_kitty

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I got ripped to pieces by my supervisor

Thanks for all your messages. I am feeling much better about things this week and have realised I just have to look at it as a challenge!

Confidence Issues, help with increasing!

hi there, I posted a similar message on the forum just a little while ago. I like waterbaby am in a similar position in that I am 3 months into my phd and feel like there is too many journals to read and no matter how many I read, I still dont know whats going on!

I got ripped to pieces by my supervisor

I get on with my supervisor ok, have not had any major issues with her but then again I dont see her on a daily basis. This was the first journal club that we have done. I just feel like there is so much I dont know and how am I supposed to get updated with everything? To make things worse, there are not any phd students working here and I dont really talk to either of them. I feel very isolated.

I got ripped to pieces by my supervisor

Hello everyone, I started my phd 3 months ago and just gave presentation for a journal club for around 15 people. granted people were going to ask me questions and I would not have the answers but I felt like my own supervisor was just trying to embrass me by pointing out things I did not know. I am beginning to think I am not cut out for a phd. Please help!