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Just graduated...

I'll be joining you in the struggle soon enough. My MA finishes soon. I'm definitely not holding out much hope that my MA will open that many doors for me, regardless of whether I get a distinction or not. I did it in view of moving onto a phd later, though right now i'm unsure if I want to do that, and am kind of sick of studying.
I understand the bitterness you feel though. MA's arent cheap and youre entitled to expect a return, after all uni's sell it as a means of distinguishing yourself from the crowd. Unfortunately employers dont see it that way, prizing relevant work experience.

I think you'll have to grit your teeth, and accept it'll take a while before things take shape. It sucks.

Have I screwed up my distinction chances?

Ok thanks for your helpful replies. Im going to email my supervisor today to inform them.

Have I screwed up my distinction chances?

Ok thanks for the post, its reassuring to hear right now

Have I screwed up my distinction chances?

Ok thanks for the reply. Im planning to email the course director early next week once my supporting evidence comes through. Do you think its possible to finish my dissertation in the remaining time?

Have I screwed up my distinction chances?

Ok thanks for the reply. Yes I definitely wasn't planning on mentioning the work stuff regardless.

Have I screwed up my distinction chances?

I'm doing an MA and currently on a distinction. I'm working solely on the dissertation now, which is due on the final day of Sept (12-15000 words). I need to get a distinction in the dissertation to get one overall.

Having put myself in with a chance of getting this grade, I cant help but feel achieving anything less will be a failure. I'm just worried that its no longer attainable.

I've had since June to work on the dissertation, but have been hindered by a lingering problem with depression (impacting on my ability to concentrate + sleep disturbance), as well as the necessity of doing part time work (I was pretty skint), meaning that I now find myself with less and less available time.

I've done most of my reading, and still have to carry out the main part of my analysis. I've yet to start writing but intend to do so in the next few days. In the past i've been a good worker under pressure, kicking into action when the deadline is impending. I'm just worried that i've not left myself enough time this time round.

I was thinking of submitting a mitigating circumstances request (because of the depression), and i can get supporting evidence from a doctor, and a psychotherapist i've been seeing. I'm just worried this wont be well received given that I received a weeks extension for an essay earlier in the year, due to depression (its been an ongoing problem since then). I'm worried they might think i' m milking it (which i genuinely am not).

Regardless I'll endeavour to finish the project by the original deadline, and am comforted by the fact that 12k is a 'do-able' amount to write.

Thanks for reading and any advice provided:-)

disorganised, handed an essay in late

Hey thanks for the responses. I like this forum, the respondents actually provide some helpful advice and it doesn't all descend into a slanging match (i'm looking at you 'the studentroom').

Anyway yes its been a few days since my original post and i'm now in a good position with my regard to my next essay, having endeavoured to learn from mistakes previous. Hopefully i won't have to pull another all nighter.

disorganised, handed an essay in late

hello everyone. Thanks for your helpful replies. Yes i suppose i'm being overly harsh on myself. This is a high pressure time with three essays due so its kind of understandable im freaking out a bit.

I just find i'm always underestimating my ability, and that what I produce is never good enough. As it turns out I always do better than expected. Does anyone else get like this sometimes? I guess we're our own harshest critics.

disorganised, handed an essay in late

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I feel like such a screw up. Every time I have an essay due, guaranteed im up pretty much all night, the night before in a state of self loathing, tiredness and panic trying to get it all sorted. I get good results, and am on a distinction at the moment, but I just feel i'm inevitably going to get caught out with it all. I think i'm very thorough, and good analytically. The problem is organisation, its not even as if i leave the essays to the last minute, its just im always adding and adding, trying to construct a better argument, losing sight of things. I never have been an organised person. Ive tried all the making time tables, planning stuff but have never been able to stick with it.

I want to go for a phd, and i work so hard, but i just feel im not going to make it. The other successful students I see dont appear to be messing about the night before, they get their work done when they say they will etc. I'm so floaty and dreamy, and not regulated enough it feels.

I'm not asking for anything here, just wanted to vent. I feel down, sleep deprived and messed up. Why am i even bothering deluding myself that I have a shot at academia. I may as well just coast along and pass, move along and do something else. Go easy on me

phd in media/ communication studies? How competitive

Hi does anyone know how competitive it is to get phd funding in this field?

should i switch masters


I'm a week and a half into my masters course studying political and the mass media. I stayed on at my undergrad institution, where i completed my BA in english and communication studies.

I know its early days and i'm not in the swing of studying yet but i am having a lot of doubts about whether to stick with this course. I suppose its an anxiety provoking period, returning to academia a bit rusty, having enjoyed a long, relaxed summer break. I feel i am not that interested in a lot of areas of politics. The things i have read thus far seem kind of boring.

There is another masters course, politics and film (every MA in this dept has an element of politics in it), which i would perhaps find more interesting, and i know it is possible i could transfer to. I studied a number of film modules at undergrad which i enjoyed and did well in. My goal is to achieve a distinction, and clearly if one is more passionate about a subject it should translate in improved results.

I chose my current MA as i thought it would be a more rounded option, which perhaps would not restrict me opportunity wise, in the same way a film masters would.

Advice welcome.