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The One Goal Thread

Just joined! I like the idea of one goal. My goal today is to cook curry feast for an entire bunch of sailors coming back for dinner and to draft one section of my background on the history of multiple indicator cluster surveys.

Anyone out there doing an epidemiology based thesis?

Totally Ashamed

Dear Idiot,

First thing you need to do is change that user name!
Then you need to take a deep breath and do just one thing a day for seven days. Tiny things, but the overall result will be the same - you will move on. All of these things are easy, constructive and are a tiny step on from doing nothing.

Day one - write out your thesis title page, using the format from your uni
Day two - buy a white board and write a few things on it - inspiring quotes, or five reasons why you want this thesis done
Day three - put the final date of your thesis award ceremony in your diary, together with a list of the people you will invite
Day four - get some referencing software. Endnote is good but you pay for it (your uni may have a group free account, if not go on Amazon and buy a student copy for 60 quid or so) or try Zotero which is free and links to firefox browser.
Day five - get your online library account up to date at the uni
Day six - clear your desk completely. Have nothing on it that does not relate to your thesis
Day seven - check your email account, then email your supervisor, noting that you are temporarliy blocked but getting back on track.

All supervisors have seen and heard just about every form of procrastination you can imagine. So you will not be surprising anyone.

Good luck!